The CDC says that fitting masks or double masking with cloth and surgical masks increase protection.

Wearing a mask – any mask – reduces the risk of infection with the coronavirus, but if you wear a tighter surgical mask or a cloth mask on top of a surgical mask, it can protect the wearer and others. , the Centers for Disease Control, significantly increased. and Prevention reported Wednesday.

New research by the agency shows that the transmission of the virus can decrease by up to 96.5 percent if both an infected individual and an uninfected individual wear well-equipped surgical masks or a combination of cloth and surgical mask.

Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, director of the CDC, announced the findings during Wednesday’s Coronavirus briefing in the White House, linking it to a plea for Americans to wear a well-fitting mask containing two or more layers. President Biden challenged Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency.

“With hospitalizations and deaths still very high, now is not the time to withdraw mask requirements,” she said, adding. ‘The key is: masks work and they work if they fit well and are worn correctly. ”

Virus-related deaths, which recovered sharply in the United States in November and remain high, appear to be in steady decline; new virus cases and hospitalizations began to decline last month. But researchers warn that a more contagious virus variant first found in Britain doubles about every ten days in the United States. The CDC warned last month that it could become the dominant variant in the country by March.

As of Feb. 1, 14 states and the District of Columbia have implemented universal masking mandates; masking is now mandatory for federal property and for domestic and international transportation. However, although masks are known to reduce both respiratory droplets and aerosols exhaled by infected carriers and to protect the uninfected carrier, their effectiveness varies greatly due to air leaking to the sides of the mask.

“Any mask is better than none,” said Dr. John Brooks, lead author of the new CDC study. “There is significant and compelling evidence that wearing a mask reduces the spread, and in communities wearing masks, new infections are declining.”

But, he added, the new research shows how to improve protection. The agency’s new laboratory experiments are based on the ideas put forward by Linsey Marr, an aerosol transfer expert at Virginia Tech, and Dr. Monica Gandhi, who is studying infectious diseases at the University of California, San Francisco.

One agency to reduce transmission is to wear a cloth mask over a surgical mask, the agency said. The alternative is to apply the surgical mask more tightly to the face by “knotting and tucking in” – that is, tying the two strands of the earlobes together, where it attaches to the edge of the mask, and then the fold up extra fabric and flatten the edge of the mask and insert it for a tighter seal.

Dr. Brooks warned that the new study is based on laboratory experiments, and it is unclear how these masking recommendations will work in the real world (the experiments used three-layer surgical and cloth masks). “But it’s a very clear proof that the more of us who wear masks and the better the mask fits, the more each of us has an advantage.”

Other effective options that enhance the fit include wearing a mask fit – a frame on the face – over a mask, or wearing a sleeve of bare nylon stocking material around the neck and pulled up over a cloth or surgical mask, the CDC said. .

Although vaccines are slowly being rolled out across the country, the emergence of the new variant, which may respond differently to treatments or evade the immune system to some extent, has prompted public health officials to stress that Americans should continue to take protective measures hit like masking.
