The CDC ensures that students can be 3 distance distances in the schools | Univision Health News

The Centers for the Control and Prevention of Uniforms of the United States (CDC in English) update their guidelines for primary and secondary schools and to deal with safety measures to attend pre-school classes in the covid-19 pandemic.

Specifically, these women recommend that “with the universal mask, students deben mantener a distance of at least 3 pieces in the classroom “.

Last week, the CDC recommended that the schools maintain a distance of at least 6 pies between the people who emit the little ones who are desperate for the schools.

This change of position is in sync with the total repatriation efforts of the governing body of Biden and means that the forerunner of this decision can be even closer. This post has met opposition within the Union of Master Masters that creates that it is counterproductive to the health of professors because it increases the likelihood of infections, especially in editions with more reduced internal spaces.


The governing democracy is expanding in just under 100 days into the 100 million vacancies this year, a good news for the projections to log the number of antiquities sufficient for the time being to regain a new normalcy.

The CDC has said that the academic centers of the Netherlands will limit the number of students in their facilities at short notice and post the total repertoire.

This recommendation was criticized by many experts for being demarcated, especially when the surgeon is trying harder than the school is going to work with more people in between.

However, with the recommendations, many schools in the country adopt hybrid systems, while students are in school editions for the time being and learning from home the rest.

The Director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, will ensure the principles of this week that its agency is considering his posture as he has more data available.

“The CDC has been compromised to lead the way and update our guide by announcing new surges,” he said in a statement. “These recommendations are updated in proportion to the level of route based on the evidence to help the schools to improve their manner and to continue to learn in person”.

President Joe Biden has asked the schools to reopen in full and the directors revised these fours to the CDCs most clearly online with the White House.

Hasta now, the CDC alentaban to the schools to permanently hold parties at the same time as Biden the pedia that abrieran for complete.

Without embarrassment, the large unions of master masters of the country are openly opposed to the change, arguing that there is little investigation into the impact of more contact in urban schools, including the most ancient and most competitive buildings.

