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The Telegraph

Nikki Haley turns on Donald Trump and reveals that she is ‘disgusted’ with the former president

Nikki Haley, a leading candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024, turned on former US President Donald Trump in a brilliant way, saying she was ‘disgusted’ with the former president. Haley (49), who Mr. Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations said he ‘let us down’ and ‘has fallen so far’. The former governor of South Carolina has been considered a potential Republican nominee for four years and started a political action committee last month. Her comments drew a clear split in the Republican Party, as other prospective candidates, including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, appeared to be seeking support from Trump’s followers. Both senators would vote to acquit Trump at the end of his current indictment. Ms Haley made clear her position in an interview with Politico in which she revealed that she has not yet met Mr. Trump spoke before his supporters invaded the U.S. Capitol on January 6. She did not believe that Mr. Trump himself ran for the Republican nomination in 2024, claiming he was no longer a “viable” candidate. Ms Haley said: “I do not think he is going to be in the picture. I do not think he can. He has fallen so far. We must admit that he let us down.” He walked a path he would not have to do. and we should not have followed him, and we should not have listened to him. And we can never allow that to happen again. ‘Haley in particular expressed a condemnation of the treatment of Mr. Trump v. Mike Pence, his vice president, whom he called a “coward” on January 6. She said: ‘If I tell you I’m angry, that’s an understatement. I’m so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do it to him. There is an aversion to me. “Ms. Haley was a well-known member of Mr. Trump’s cabinet and was considered a star of his government for her defense of his America First policy on the world stage. She resigned unexpectedly late in 2018. But he did.” received a glowing public broadcast by Mr. Trump in the Oval Office, leading to speculation about a future presidency.Since last fall, the author of a comprehensive Politico profile, Tim Alberta, chatted for six hours with Ms. Haley and Speaking to 70 associates, including friends, former colleagues, staff and donors, he writes: “Two things are clear. First, Nikki Haley is going to elect him president in 2024. Second, she does not know which Nikki Haley will be on the ballot. “Before January 6, Haley defended Mr. Trump, arguing that he really believed he had won the election. But after the riot in the Capitol, her position changed dramatically. Haley said she still believes that the accusation of Mr. Trump a “waste of time “is and that the end of his political career is enough. She said: ‘I think his business is suffering. at this point. I think he lost any political viability he would have. “I think he lost his social media, which the world meant to him. I mean, I think he lost the things that could really keep him moving.”
