The Caucus Hispano pide includes legal protections for documented in the aid package

A centenary of Democratic congressmen led by the Caucus Hispano pidió this Saturday that the Chamber of Representatives will open a truck to the city for undocumented workers, dromers and beneficiaries of the State of Temporary Protection of the Court of Justice (TPS) coronavirus crisis.

Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers are claiming to be ahead of the curve by its $ 1.9 trillion proposal, which could require the use of reconciliation [un proceso legislativo del Congreso que acelera la aprobación de cierta legislación presupuestaria en el Senado] without the support of the Republican Party.

In addition, 10 Republican senators will present this bill with a counterfeit $ 600,000 million, and call for a meeting with President Joe Biden to negotiate.

“While continuing to work on the help package of the COVID-19 and starting to work on an economic and employment recovery, the instances that include a truck drive to work for immigrant workers, dreamers and families” , the Democratic Group wrote in a card to the President of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and the President of the Committee of the Presidents, John Yarmuth, who shared first with the Political Information Web.

[Una corte permite reanudar las expulsiones de niños inmigrantes no acompañados en la frontera]

“The inclusion of these protections is not merely a necessity for economic recovery, it is a subject of economic and racial justice. for the communities that have the most vulnerable to the crisis and to put forward the previous aid packages, ”he said.

Demonstration in support of the fall of the Supreme Court in favor of the Action Action Program for the Children in Law (DACA), in San Diego, California, June 18, 2020.Sandy Huffaker / AFP via Getty Images

In the midst of this month, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that the Biden Administration will focus on reducing the time it takes to obtain and serve. green cards intermediates to the beneficiaries of the DACA program and undocumented immigrants are protected by other programs such as the TPS.

To outline these issues, Harris says the new Gobierno “has a plan” to present to Congress a migration reform project that also claims to reform the immigration juvenile plan to facilitate asylum seekers.

However, he acknowledged that the main objective is progress, that he is open to imparting part of the gradual reform of the work of the Congress, at the same time as pressuring a major project of his. Immigrant activists and supporters have multiple visas for migration reform.

“The members of the Congress agree that this promise must be accompanied by actions, and the concrete action at the moment is to legalize the essential workers as part of the economic recovery”, declares Lorella Praeli, president of the Community Change Action, national support for people of great births, especially Negroes and Latinos.

[Este dreamer será devuelto a Honduras a pesar de la orden de Biden para detener deportaciones]

More than 100 defense groups are involved in the We Are Home campaign, which seeks to help immigrants, urging lawmakers to push for the inclusion of legal protections in the COVID-19 crisis package. The truck to the city applies to one of the five million undocumented immigrants whose essential workers.

Representative Joaquín Castro, a Democrat from Texas and president of Caucus Hispano del Congreso, is working on a project of the Independent that will allow undocumented essential workers to apply for permanent resident status.

Following the project of ley, these workers are eligible to apply for citizenship in five years. Castro verklaar el elbado that it is “optimistic that it is included in the COVID-19 help package”.

With Political Information.
