The care between a general and a race obliged to FA and PN to open investigation

The Director of the National Police (PN), Mayor-General, Edward Sánchez González, gave information on how it is necessary to have a mixed commission integrated with members of this institution and the Ministry of Defense to investigate the incident between an agent of the General Directorate of Transport and Terrestrial Transport Security (Digesett) and a General.

The announcement was made during a press conference at the Palacio Nacional, where González signaled that the commission would create the situation and issue the corresponding information at the appointed time.

The director of the PN expressed that the Minister of Defense, Deputy General Carlos Luciano Díaz Morfa, appointed Inspector General of the Armored Forces, Mayor José Manuel Castillo Castillo, and that the Police also appointed him Inspector General.

Ayer El Digesett’s director, General Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta, also shared the results of the investigation and hope that he would share the results.

The incident

He is very proud of the call Pedro Henríquez Ureña con avenida Máximo Gómez and has been disillusioned with the social and media speeches of the traditional press.

José Manuel Frías Rodríguez, General José Manuel, urges the Digesett’s agents not to rush to the point of taxation of his vehicle, parked on a tram of the Cyclops of the National District, zone in which it is forbidden to park.

In a video broadcast on social media shows Frías Rodríguez complained “respect” to the Digesett agents and that “attention” was called to his rank. “Ponganse in Amet’s attention, Ponganse in Amet’s attention, but what is it?”, The official was told by one of the agents in a defiant act.

I then read the other agent to mediate the situation, and the general said: “He has to pay attention and respectfully identify, identify, play. When I identified myself, I had to salute as a general and then declare ‘commander usted can not be parade ahí ”.
