The car crash provoked the transfer of 20 patients from Valencia’s Campaign Hospital to open Monday | Valencian Community

Campaign hospital next to Valencia Hospital de Fe.
Campaign hospital next to Valencia Hospital de Fe.Monica Torres

The 20 patients who were admitted to Valencia’s Campaign Hospital were transferred to this hospital in ambulances in the old outbuildings of the School of Nursing in La Fe, which resulted in the molestations caused by the driving force in the wind, as well as constant traffic. y frío, sobre todo durante la noche. Sanidad’s council has concluded that the hospital, the aluminum structure that supports white tents, has not experienced any desperation, but in order to increase “comfort conditions” it has preferred “the transfer” of living conditions to moderates 19 at the Campanar Center during the coronavirus primary. It is not uncommon for there to be no outdoor enclosure in the treadmill modules that connect to the so-called La Fe and air-conditioning vending machines, while the ambulances are provided to take care of the sanitary staff and the spaces.

Sanidad has confirmed that “the current conditions of driving forces that affect the Valencian Community, the patients will be at the hospital of La Fe and that it will not present any desperate, even if a detailed revision of the fault” are carried out. Seguna explained the autonomous secretariat of Efficiency and Sanitary Technology, Concha Andrés “the translation was made by prudence and has a preventive and temporal character”. The Campellón and Alicante Campaign Hospitals, located in a more protected area towards the wind, operate under normalcy and accommodate patients in optimal conditions.

Located next to the new sanitary complex of La Fe, in the barricade of Malilla, the Valencia Campaign receives its first coronavirus patients the past tense, after numerous problems on their march. The Generalitat, governed by the PSPV-PSOE, Compromís y Unides Podem, opted in March for the emergency procedure and 8.6 million euros for three hospitals for installers together with the reference centers of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón , with a total theoretical capacity of 1,100 beds. Sanitation was announced two weeks ago by the rehabilitation of 280 beds in the three campus hospitals, of which 120 correspond to the Valencia campus hospital.

The changing rooms for the installation of the requirements and requirements of the Health Care Council, the failures to build an adequate air conditioning and the differentiation between the Gobierno valenciano and the business summonistora on the modern floor and dead space. The intense floods of spring, the recent holiday intensity and the end of this week that has increased the 100 metro per hour in Valencia has been more difficult to implement.

The three hospitals used this week to carry out PCR tests and also accommodate immigrants in emergency in the case of Alicante facilities.

Campaign hospitals have been contracted by the Council of Justice to hold the Emergencies competencies in the IDAT (Engineering and Development of High Technology) company, formed by Hispano Vema and Bellcomm. The first has the side of the Ministry of Defense and the OTAN. The global increase is initially estimated at 8.6 million euros: four million for the installation and structural aluminum structure of the white climate climates and for the acquisition of the beds; 3.4 million euros for sanitary ware; and 1.2 million for data and communication equipment.

However, the cost has been increased with the operating modifications and retreats. The opposition claims that the final cost will be 16 million euros. This week, the Consell Legal Council adopted a Generalitat consultation and approved the mayor’s payment of one of the 7.6 million euro contracts for the equipment, to be withdrawn at the time, according to the publication Las Provincias. It facilitates the reception of 153 non-invasive respirators.

The broad opposition to the Generalitat

I know the message from the nurses, the PP, Ciudadanos and Vox and criticized the president of the Valencian General, Ximo Puig, the health counselor, Ana Barceló, for the “scandal” of the patient transfer. The popular president, Isabel Bonig, lamented, in a message posted on her Twitter account, that Puig “preferred the ideology to the collaboration and how the hospital hospital, as his ximoanuncios, if the wind has come ”. “We will announce, announce, announce: the campaign hospital will not meet the requirements to accommodate patients,” he said. The PPCV’s account in this social network has remarked that “the three days” the Sanidad council “defends the state of the camp hospitals and has raised the wind”. “Puig could not be the organist of a hospital that cost 16 million euros, that took 10 months to open and that, like its promises, it was alive”, he said.

The leader of Ciudadanos in the Valencian Community, Toni Cantó, criticized in the social media campaign that Puig “received 16 million euros in three hospital hospitals that did not serve anything” and accused the tripartite “of accepting the help and coordination with private health ”and that“ siga criticizing the hospital Isabel Zendal ”. “El dogmatismo mata”, ha afirmado. The Vox’s deputy in the Valencian Courts, David García, has demanded the resignation of Sanidad’s councilor, Ana Barceló. “It’s a shame and a scandal,” he said.

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