The Capitol’s police mandates toman la palabra: “Criminal wines prepared for war” | International

Senator Josh Hawley hears the testimony of Arms President Paul Irving this March at the EE UU Congress.
Senator Josh Hawley hears the testimony of Ars Exalted President Paul Irving this March at the EE UU Congress.Andrew Harnik / AP

The United States Congress has given this March its word, first of all, before the Capitol inauguration on January 6, to the security agents charged with protecting the edification. These are the culprits of the disastrous failure to prevent the violence of the insurgency and the lack of intelligence of what is available, which the two have discovered before they become an amenity to what has never been done before. It also coincided with the planned and coordinated escalation of what some Republican lawmakers wanted to do.

“Nothing of intelligence information that we receive predicts that it will kill us”, explained the head of the Capitol’s police force, Steven Sund, who just dismissed the call that this March described as “the strongest attack on the forces of security and democracy ”which has seen over 30 years of police experience. “No actuaban as any group of protesters that you have ever seen, those criminals are preparing for war”.

In the video, the statements of Steven Sund, exefe of the Capitol Police.AP Photo / Andrew Harnik / Video: Reuters Quality

Sund and others of the officers of the Capitol police, as well as the chief of the Washington police, were called to a hearing held before the Senate committees, which investigates the failures in the security that allowed a violent disturbance of security guards of Donald Trump will strike down and crack down on the United States Congress to delay the official certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory. “Necesitamos ver que fue mal y quambios se pueden hacer para que el Capitolio sea seguro”, ha dicho al arranque de la sesion den la democrata Amy Klobuchar, presidenta del Comité de Reglas y Administración. “We must conquer the hechos, and the responses are in this room,” he added, referring to the police mandates called to declare, that the three divisions immediately resigned from the attack on the Capitol.

Republican numbers have tried to repel the gravity of the attack perpetrated by Trump’s followers, spontaneity and plan quarantine. But the police mandates this March coincided with the coordinated strike. He spoke of explosive devices along with the Capitol in order to divert the attention of the authorities and explained that he had tried to use manual signals and coordinate the use of irritating gases. “Only a single body of civil security, and from the lieutenant in the Capitol police, is trained or equipped to repel, without significant military assistance, an insurgency of miles of armed, violent and coordinated individuals, decided to attack in any edification to any cost ”, has summed up Sund.

Sund and Paul Irving, exsargento of arms of the Chamber of Representatives, eran the security officers of the highest rank present in the Capitol during the asalto. Ambos has the object of criticism, and there is a wealth of information that indicates that he will not act with sufficient speed to help the National Guard. Prior to the senators, Sund had accused Irving of having disallowed the activation of the National Guard, preoccupied with the image that Habrian had given to the military deputies in the Capitol. Irving classified it as “categorically false” and said his posture was based on security and no image. Robert Contee, chief of the Washington Metropolitan Police, blamed the National Guard’s Department of Defense. “I have been shocked by the response of the Department of Justice”, he said.

But all had a state of mind at some point. “Everything coincides with intelligence not supporting the trope world and collectively deciding to be,” said Michael Stenger, Senado’s army chief. Ni Stenger ni Irving, segun han dicho, habían visto un Informs de FBI que advertiert de una amenaza de violincia en el Capitolio. Sund, for his part, has assured that after the attack he has been informed that he has been related to the Capitol’s police the vispera, but that he has also had the opportunity to leave.

