The candidate who will lead the polls in Ecuador will not be able to vote because he has no residence in the country

The candidate for the presidency of Ecuador Andrés Arauz.  EFE / José Jácome / Archive
The candidate for the presidency of Ecuador Andrés Arauz. EFE / José Jácome / Archive

Dos of the Presidency candidates competing for the cargo this domino in Ecuador’s elections, Andrés Arauz -el main favorite- y Juan Fernando Velasco, may not deposit their vote in the ballot boxes for being assisted by the foreigner.

In the case of Arauz, a candidate for the UNES party, his residence is in Mexico, while in the case of the former Minister of Culture of the current Administration and candidate of Construye, his domicile consists of Miami.

The reforms to the Code of Democracy of Ecuador require that the postal debtors have a vivid period of time during the circulars in which they are presented.

El Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) joins no obstacle, but it is the fact that he now has to present the candidate.

Follow the local periodical The Universe, both people can vote only if they travel to countries where they are domiciled. Arauz, from lists 1 – 5, is eligible to vote in the Junta Receptor of vote 1, of the Consulate of Ecuador in Mexico.

The Arauz team aún do not know if the candidate will travel to Mexico or stay permanently in Ecuador this day to receive the results and accompany his formula partner, Carlos Rabascall, who also voted in Guayaquil.

These jewels will be the icing on the cake of Arauz. Collect an act in the Park El Arbolito de Quito from the 15:00 local time (20:00 GMT).

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The vacancies

Andrés Arauz, the candidate for UNES (Union for Esperanza, supported by former President Rafael Correa), confirmed last night that the Argentine mandate, Alberto Fernández, promised more than 4 million vacancies against the coronavirus.

His words, expressed in the presidential debate that should take place the 17th of January, should have great repercussions. It is said that the proposal Fernández debió salir to declare that the promise is only from “Interceder” in favor of dose reduction for these countries. Also renewed its compromise to negotiate with the laboratory on the fines of contemplating the needs of this country.

Fernández informs Arauz that the production of the vaccine was developed by the University of Oxford and the AstraZeneca laboratory “A private takeover”.

Andrés Arauz confirms that Alberto Fernández guarantees vacancies

The Argentine state jailer sent the letter Monday a UNES candidate card in which he alluded to the controversy generated by the presidential debate in Ecuador, when Arauz Galarza stated that during his visit to Argentina the local government mandate “Guaranteed a donation of 4.4 million doses”.

As we have seen, in Argentina the vacant car was developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, which had to be invested in Mexico for its posterior distribution on the continent. “While this is a private employment, I renew my compromise to intercede the authorities of this laboratory with the fines that are contingent on the needs of the Ecuadorian people’s neighborhood,” said Alberto Fernández.

In the case of the virus, it is also common to mediate with the rest of the laboratories that make vaccines against the coronavirus: “In the same way, in case it is considered necessary and opportunistic, we will do our best to help Ecuador with its managers and other providers”.


Alberto Fernández intercourse with Correa’s candidate to intercede for access to the vacancies against the coronavirus

3,000 Casi watch electoral process in Ecuador
