The cameo of Julio César Chávez in the Monarca series on Netflix

Julio César Chávez made a cameo in the series Monarch, which is currently being transmitted on the platform of Netflix, together with Mexican actor Osvaldo Benavides.

The appearance of the Mexican champion takes place in the sixth chapter of Temporada 2 of the series. Chávez appear on stage to train Andrés Carranza, person who interprets Benavides. Carranza is the president of Monarch Group in the thriller and owning pegandole to costal both the indications of Chávez.

In the scene of an exchange between Julio César Chávez y Andrés Carranza. In the dialogue, sell a curious reference that crosses the fiction to reality, and gives the big champion the shot a divertid jab a his hijos. Se da en forma de regaño de Chávez for the smallest ejection of the golf clubs that were realized Benavides against the bag.

“What happened, Andrés? “, The dice Chávez. ‘Tanto que lo practicamos y no aprendes. It’s just me who lives, man! A ver, vamos a hacerlo con cojones, con huevos: dos izquierdas y una derecha, ¡vamos! ”.

What is Monarch?

Monarch is a Mexican television series created by Billy Rovzar, Fernando Rovzar, Alexis Friedman, Michael McDonald, Salma Hayek, José Tamez y Diego Gutiérrez.

It’s a political intrigue thriller that fools the tragedy of three Germans for hacking the presidency into a familiar business venture: Monarch Group.

In the role of protagonists we meet Irene Azuela, Osvaldo Benavides y Juan Manuel Bernal, between others. The first season will take place on September 13, 2019. The second season will take place on Netflix the 1st of January 2020.

By the way, gerugte near Chávez, signal that you have a relationship with the actress veracruzana Salma Hayek. It is said that this relationship has a good love, and that it, which is one of the producers of the series, could have been related to the fact that the ex-boxer will have his special participation in the second season of Monarch.

Osvaldo Benavides revealed the cameo

The 5th of January passed in his account of Instagram, the actor Osvaldo Benavides posted a photo with Julio César Chávez tomada at the moment when the participation of the ex-player in Monarch.

“The champion… and his coach … Pa que vean los que es ser un Carranza. Monarch, T2. ¿Ya la vieron? ”, Posteó Benavides off Instagram.
