The caffeine increases the amount of grass if it is consumed before exercise

La caffeine it is the most popular and widely consumed ergonomic effect. Mediante the café and other foods or prayers can be incorporated into our diet and a recent study confirms that his consumption previewed the increase in grass weight.

Caffeine intake and increase in grass oxidation

The recent study published in the final analysis analyzes the diurnal variation in the oxidation of grasses and the influence of caffeine consumption consumption preview of ownership.

The beneficial effects of caffeine for your training

The results signal that the grass oxidation rate is superior during the late blight the caffeine, consumed 30 minutes before antiseptic, potency the grain of grass, Independently of the moment of the day.

Although the investigation into question is very reduced and tedious includes 15 hombres de edad promedio de 32 jaar, it should be considered that it is a triple study, controlled by placebo, which increases the value of the results.

On the other hand, the study gives us a conclusion that the caffeine consumed in quantities of 3 mg per kilogram of corporate weight that you can consume with a large dose of filter coffee or a concentrated coffee, one 30 minutes before realizing moderate intensity incrementally increases the weight of grass.

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Therefore, if we are to optimize the weight of grass we recommend the ownership of the tarde, moderate intensity and posterior to the intake of caffeine that potentiates the oxidation of lipids in the organism.

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