The brutal physical change of Javier Hernández; apunta a callar critique

Mexico City /

La MLS register for the next 3 April and with it Javier Hernández has been hired to recover his best physical form and with it return as he hopes in the galaxy, club in the que has been strongly criticized for its poor yield in its early days.

Geen hindernis, el mexicano ha hecho oidos sordos a dichas critique, así como a los rumors que apuntan a a walk with his sentimental couple, to focus lleno on tonifying his body for the desperate regression of the MLS.

Ante here, the Mexican has given a gala in his social speeches physical impact cambio who has been logged in for the last few months, including having to keep up with the constant work he has in the gym or the miles he wants to run to diary, only to recently showed that he has entered the box.

CH14 has been working with a team of specialists in physical efficiency, who will teach you inside and run your home, with the end of what you can read to 100 to beat the orders of his new coach, Greg Vanney.
