The salvo assigned in 1984 resulted in thanks to the persistent lure of his best friend, who decided to turn to a private investigator to find the culprit because the police abandoned the case.
Ángela Samota brutally incited the 13th of October of 1984 and Texas. Ten years ago and was a student of computer science and electrical engineering at the Methodist University of South Dallas.
His insane body was found uncut, it was found on the bed and the Colgaban pierns. Tenía 18 puñaladas, hirieron su hígado, pulmones y partieron su corazón.
Without embarrassment, the barbarism has not abated, the coronation has taken place and it has soared over its misfortune. The autopsy revealed that the violet had been taken away.
La joven fue enterrada en el cementement Llano, en Amarillo, Texas, segun publication of Infobae.
This night, Angela salió with her friends Russell Buchanan and Anita Kadala. His newcomer Ben McCall did not accompany the company because he had to pay for a job that lasted the next day.
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Ángela drove an automatic Toyota and the media users’ fue de la discoteca junto a sus amigos. They do not go to their homes, go to the apartment of their novel and salute and lie down in their apartment.
At 1:45 a.m., he heard in his novel and said that there was a man in the yard who had used the bathroom and the telephone. The person who is talking to her on the phone, but then goes off and promises to call her.

When Bess joined Angelica, she was released on conditional release. Now there is a deadly hopeful death for his ejaculation. Photo Texas Police Department
The last promise that Angela could not complete, Ben intends to communicate with the various vices and will not receive a reply for sale. Going to the apartment of Angela does not need a reply, intends to open the door to the court and decide to call the police.
“The official Janice Crowther attended the 2.17 of the madrugada. A double police force has been located. Please note that the Toyota Supra de Angela car is parked, but there is no movement inside the department. By the way, he saw that the bags used by Angela were still in the kitchen. The official concedes the slaves in the office of the managing director of the edification. Janice’s police officer is the first. Mientras ella está en el living lo escucha gritar desde el dormitorio: ‘Hey Janice, la encontré’ ”, consigna Infobae.
Sheila Gibbons, the best friend of Angela
Angela’s best friend was Sheila Gibbons, married in 1982, in her first day of college in Dallas. We make housing companies and convert them into big friends. Two years later, when Angela was brutally assaulted, Sheila was desperate to cooperate with the detectives.
Ambas no tenían padres y eso les ayudó a crear un fuerte vínculo de amistad. When Ángela watched Sheila’s life she was frustrated, the university, she was depressed and her only interest was to find her friend’s wife.
Without embarrassment, we are late in resolving the case and need to convert to a private investigator in order for the case of Angela not to be charged.
In principle, the police identified three suspects: Russell Buchanan, a 23-year-old young architect who worked with Angela; Ben McCall, the angel of Angela and his ex novio.
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Buchanan lives near Angela, podiums to his condominium condominium and results in upset for investigators. In addition, he was not a secretary, (a person who has a genetic mutation that allows his singing group to appear in its fluids) and the investigations revealed that Angela’s caregiver was of this type of person because of the semen and saliva of the attacker no identification of the type of song.
This detail excludes from the list of suspects in the news and ex news of the young. However, at the time, Buchanan’s test was not carried out, although Sheila had met with the petitioners’ investigators to discuss the case.
“My mother was scandalized, but Russell wine was recovering and we smoked a place called August Moon. He was nervous and did not act with normalcy, while thinking: ‘I was sent to the care of a caretaker’ because, clearly, I created that he was the culprit “, Sheila explains in a report.
Russell’s account that she traveled to Houston saw her mother – in – law as she discovered Angela’s body. And the assurance that no entry has been made to fly to Dallas. The story that Russell told me about the policy coincided with one another. The student joven passes satisfactorily by the detector of mentors.
Los speurders no reunieron pruebas para inculparlo.
Sheila did not have time to persecute those in charge of the investigation, the llamaba todos los días. Included, he was friends with the investigators and invited one of them to his booth.
“(…) Los speurders creyeron que, con el tiempo, yo desaparecería. The most normal people are hooked and continued with their life. Pero yo nee. I thought I had something that was not correct and, simply, did not accept a ‘no’ to answer. I’m just following you ”.

Sheila visited Angela’s tomb while resolving the case. Photo Cortesía de Cementerio de Dallas / Illustrative character image and no commercial
The time passed in 2004, two years passed after the assignment of Angela, Sheila lived in Tennessee and had ten children. A nightmare works on its biblical studies with a vision that marks an ant and then in the investigation of the case:
“Miré hacia la derecha, y allí estaba Angie. Think, Are you soothing? Are you dormant? What did you do for a living? (…) Geen hubo palabras, solo que allí staba ella y su gran sonrisa (…) tengo mucha fe y creo en las señales, y en ese momento pensé: llegó el momento. I leaned over my nightmare and delivered the phone call to the Dallas Police Department. Asked by the detective that he knew and gave a message. I never devoured any of the llamas that hice. It’s my husband who knows it well enough because I’m invited to my room, but I’ll never call him. I have a sabor amargo (…) The most discorning part of it is that I would like to say that we have had it called only, only yo. Not a single person. How can it be that some wall of form is violent and that Nadie is lame and wants to know why or who? I’m going to lose it ”.
After that, I decided to study to be a private investigator.
“I’m tired of being turned into a private detective. (…) At nightfall, after the ceremony, my mayor will read to me all the readings of the state that I have learned and I will read them. I came as I went to Harvard and Yale ”related.
Without embarrassment, the emotion does not last long: “I thought the police were trying to convince me now that I had a detective’s license. What a ton fui! Not imported at the minimum ”.
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People say that, in all their years, they have been called by the Dallas Police Department for 750 weeks and in one of these days they are called the child who has been tested in a flood.
Finally, it was decided that the case would be re-examined and named by Detective Linda Crum as the case was investigated. Sheila made sure that this change was positive for the investigation.
“Tener a Linda Crum involucrada cambió la trayectoria del caso en un ciento por ciento. I believe that investigators can kill their best, in general, by their great compromise. Tenerla fue un verdadero plus ”.
22 years later, in 2006, detective information that ten years of Angela, the seed and the aggressor’s seed. Nothing is lost and now there are more technologies available to compare the DNA with other miles of DNA collected in the data banks.
“Tenían las uñas des las manos de Angie, asi que era obvio que ella se había resististe (…) Estaba emokionada porque sabía que eso aba a clave: en 1984, las pruebas de ADN receien institan en su initialie, pero 20 years after the ADN was converted into a very powerful forensic herramy, ”said Sheila.
Three years later, the detective informed Sheila that she had identified the attacker.
Sheila believes that I have the number that is always associated with crime: Russell Buchanan. But no, the number is totally down. The current result of ADN signaled a man named Donald Andrew Bess Jr., who died in 1948, in Arkansas.
The best
In October 1984, when Angela was cared for, Bess had 36 years and was on conditional release. In 1978, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for bribery and violations, in order to identify himself as the culprit of Angela’s assignment, Bess re-established the prison with perpetual imprisonment for another crime and violation committed in 1985.
When it comes to chewing the juice of Angela’s caretaker in 2010, other women can testify to having purple on it. Including his ex-wife declaring that Bess abused her and her husbands during his matrimony between 1969 and 1072. This man was a serial killer.
Sheila assisted in juicing and had the satisfaction of listening to the sentence on June 8, 2010: He was found guilty and sentenced to death. His appeals, injunctions, injunctions. Espera, without execution, on the eve of Polunsky’s death.
“In his call to print the number 999559 and call it La Bestia. The number of the Bestia, say that always queer read more in coincidences, his three first digits (999) inverted (666) of his convict plate “, reads in the publication of the Argentine media.