The British Britons say that Meghan and Harry’s interview merely shows racism in the UK

LONDON – Prince Harry and Meghan’s comments to Oprah Winfrey unraveled issues of mental health to royal protocol, but for many black Britons it was about one thing: race.

The interview, which aired in the UK on Monday night, confirms the ‘obvious’ daily racism that so many experience, according to Anna Miles (28), a bisexual writer from Manchester, a city in the north-west of England.

“It’s angry and upsetting – that’s how we are treated on a daily basis,” she said. “It’s just a constant reminder of how we are seen and how little black and brown people are respected.”

Meghan said Harry told her that royal insiders had expressed ‘concern’ about how dark the skin of their children might be. The couple did not want to name the individual, but Winfrey later said Harry made it clear that it was not Queen Elizabeth II, his grandmother, or her husband, Prince Philip.

The royal family has not yet commented on the interview and has not responded to NBC News’ requests.

The couple also spoke to parts of the British media about what they believe was a shower of racist abuse against Meghan, whose mother is Black.

This is not the first time that the self-imposed royals, who resigned from their duties last year, have put the issue of racism in Britain in the spotlight. Yet Tuesday’s interview for a second day dominated British newspapers and sometimes sparked heated debates on social media and television about the role racism played in the couple’s departure.

“It confirms what we already knew. The royal family in itself is just the enduring remnant of a brutal British empire,” said Momodou Taal (27), host of the podcast “The Malcolm Effect”, which shares race and identity in the spotlight set, told NBC News. .

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Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Commonwealth, a collection of mainly former colonies that maintain ties with Britain. Hours before the U.S. broadcast of her grandson’s interview, she gave a speech to celebrate the network.

Taal, from Birmingham in central England, said he, like many young black men, had been repeatedly stopped and searched by police and that racist insults had shouted at him in the street. He said it was a reality that jobs and access to the university were more difficult for people of color, noting that Meghan’s privilege and wealth probably protected her.

Racism has only gotten worse since the Brexit referendum in 2016, he said, adding that it has provoked a ‘right-hand man’ in the country and provoked fears of foreigners and immigration.

A customer on Tuesday took a copy of a newspaper headline from Prince Harry and Meghan’s TV interview at a stall outside a London store.Frank Augstein / AP

Police in England and Wales reported an increase in racially motivated hate crimes in the wake of the vote to leave the European Union, while government statistics recorded 105,090 hate crimes in the year ended March 2020 – an increase of 8 percent compared to the previous year.

“As a black person who has lived and grown up in the UK all my life, we are well aware of the racism that exists,” Taal said. “The only difference now is someone inside is saying it and exposing it.”

Still, Meghan and Harry will be grateful for expressing and reflecting on their struggle, said Halima Begum, CEO of the Runnymede Trust, a British racial equality think tank.

“If we want to progress as anti-racists, we will have to deal with awkward conversations,” she said.

Research by Runnymede has shown that people of color in Britain often feel more pressure to ‘prove’ that they are British, while many people were on the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic and became disproportionate.

The British historian Andrew Roberts called the interview ‘harmful’ to the monarchy because of the ‘very serious allegations’ surrounding racism, adding that it could possibly contaminate Britain’s soft power abroad.

“The thing about the royal family is that it’s really about continuity. It’s a 1,000-year-old institution that is only changing very slowly,” he added.

What is more heartbreaking for some black Britons is the fading hope that has been announced since the couple’s star-studded Windsor wedding in 2018, which is a major shift towards greater inclusivity in Britain.

Christina Nicole, 32, whose family hails from Jamaica, said she remembers watching the wedding and ‘feeling so happy’.

“I thought the whole royal family would now become more multicultural and start representing the United Kingdom,” she said from London.

But the anger made her feel ‘disappointed’ by the establishment of the monarchy, she added.

“It’s more than just Meghan. Why are we as black British women always despised and disregarded?” she asked. “It just breaks my heart.”

Rachel Elbaum, Keir Simmons and Laura Saravia contributed.
