The Brazilian cepa puede sortear anticuerpos de la Coronavac, sugiere estudio

The Brazilian variant of coronavirus, originating from the state of Amazonas (P.1), can escape the antiquities that generate the vaccine from the Chinese laboratory of Sinovac, known as Coronavac, as a preliminary study conducted by the universities of Brazil.

The results were obtained from a small sample of eight patients who received the doses of Chinese vaccine, which is the most used at the moment in the South American country, one of the most punished by the pandemic.

Scientists from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the University of Campinas (Unicamp) are collecting plasma from these volunteers as well as participating in clinical trials with Sinovac’s formula and testing their effectiveness with the first line detected in this year. año, and Manaos, capital of Amazonas.

The analysis of the data “suggests that the P.1. Powder escapes the anticoagulants induced by a vaccine with inactivated virus”, as is the case of the Coronavac, indicates the information.

The study was published in the index in the separate article as revised by other scientists from the journal The Lancet.

The authors note that major investigations are needed to confirm their allegations and to state that in the case of covid-19 cases only the anti-corruption measures produced by Coronavac, as well as other elements of the immunological system, as well.

In this sense, it is considered that in order to detain the dissemination of the new cepa by the country will need the administration of a third dose of refueling of the vaccine modified for the Brazilian variant and others.

The study also indicates that the anticoagulants that produce a pre-infected person with coronavirus do not appear to be capable of blocking the Brazilian variant, following the plasma analysis of 19 patients who were considered to be superior to covid-19, antes of the new cepa. .

“P.1 can escape the responses to antiretrovirals generated by a prevalent infection of SARS-CoV-2, as the reinforcement can be plausible with variants with mutations in the ‘spike’ protein”, investigators say.

The ‘spike’ protein is the element used by the coronavirus to penetrate human cells and mutations in this region associated with a mayor that has a virus infection.

Preliminary results from this study are one of the most published last week, however, given that P.1 can have a viral load that has been raised several times, by which the most transmissible series, and is able to evade the system from those people who have ten antiquities.

According to official data, he has detected cases of the Brazilian variant in 17 of the 27 states of the country, as well as in other countries, which he opted to temporarily suspend Brazilian flights to avoid expanding into its territories.

Brazil is the second country with the most deaths associated with covid-19, with cases 256,000, and the third with the most infected, with 10.6 million cases, even the sanitary specialists estimate that this last number could be up to three times mayor.

Since November, the country is facing a “second oil” of contagiousness that is becoming more virulent and lethal than the first and obliging regional and municipal governors to return social distance media.
