The bombing of EE.UU. flew in an “inhabited” area, said a Syrian source

The bombing of this madrugada against superstitious militias in the province of Deir al-Zur, in the Syrian province, as an objective “deshabitada” zone and caused a death in the streets of the Ejército of the Netherlands, assured military to Efe siria.

The source, the anonymous agent, said that the projects were launched by EE aviation. UU. impactaron “a zone inhabited near a position that pertains to one of the Iranian forces operating in the Abu Kamal region”, in Deir al Zur, on the frontier with Iraq.

Assimilation, just as a series of murders and three “Iranian combatants” resulted in the action, well the Observatory of Human Rights has stated earlier that there have been 22 deaths of Iraqi militias repulsed by Iranian Popularity and Kata.

The information channels of Kataib Hizbulá, an integrated militia group in the Iraqi Multitud Popular Alliance, confirm the death of one of its combatants “in the attack on the stadium”.

Following the Observatory, with its United Kingdom headquarters and a large number of collaborators on the ground, the bombing, the first of Joe Biden’s Legacy to the Presidency to cross the frontier from Iraq.

The Pentagon, for its part, explains that this action is the response to recent attacks against tropical groups and the international coalition against the Islamic State jihadist group in Iraq, as well as “continuous arrangements” against its personnel.

Ten days ago, a state-of-the-art military force resulted in an air strike in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, through the impact of various projects, three of them at the airport ‘

The attacks against state facilities in Iraq have been reported since the United States launched in 2020 by the Iranian commanding officer Qasem Soleimaní through a selective bombing in Baghdad, a much-criticized action by Iraqi political forces and pores.
