The best way to give medicines to children: no use cucharas caseras | Orientation | La Revista

Rare medications are available for adults and children. The most difficult ones included are not to open the box. The pads suelen dissimulate the sabor of the mesclandal drugs, for example, with some papilla. But the specialists recommend that, before taking this step, assess with them pediatrician or pharmacist about what foods are most appropriate for these fines.

For example, it is not advisable to give the iron with leche, because it is not absorbed, indicates pediatrician Angelica Mosquera. ‘Y debemos darlo lejos del sink. In exchange, the iron absorbs better when accompanied by citrus”.

There are medicines that deben tomarse con elstómagen lleno. Others, in ayunas. This depends on the type of medicine. ‘No golf tips, consult well with your doctor”, Advised Mosquera.

There are some drugs that are used to treat gastritis, such as omeprazole. In this condition, too, it is used successfully, which is a suspension. This is not a bad place to start.

What drugs are safe to take with any baby or baby? “Antibiotics and antitermers” (for regular fever), writes the doctor Mosquera.

Looking for the appropriate appliance

Caucasian cucumbers, small or large, obligate parents to calculate the amount of medicine. Not used, is the advice of the pediatrician Karina Valdivieso. “If the main cause of error is erroneous and inequality in children”, affirma.

Monthly couchs and cacharites have a dose of up to 8% less than the prescribed dose up to 12% more than required.

‘Pese a que la Administration of Foods and Medicines of the United States (FDA) elaborado guías que desaconsejan su uso, buena parte la las la sigu sigus Utilisana para sí mismas o par sus familiares, bajo la creencia de que no van a cometer error en la dos, o que si lo hacen, los efectos van a ser modestos ” , explains the specialist.

Without embarrassment, using a coffee bug, tea or poster, probably the amount of medication the parse escasa a vista, and many dads want to compensate for this deficiency adding a second dose.

Valdivieso animates the fathers and companions to use the dispensers that come with the products, be in the shape of the blanket, and keep one always guarded for emergencies.

Otros padres eligen usar una jeringa pequeña, sin aguja, que les permite medir la cantidad cantidad de la liquid medicine. But never need to calculate the dose by itself, so follow the Exact prescription.

“When (the doctors) calculate the dose, we take it at the base of the neck and the pathology”, details pediatrician Valdivieso. “It’s not the same as amoxicillin because it has an oidoma, neumonia or infection of the urinary tract. Cambian dose”.

The big problem, observe, is that the automotive family or vuelva uses the dose of medicine that it requires in an anterior seal, when ten months old and even less. “It is sobredosifican, o le dan una dosis menor a la que necesita, y por tanto, el niño no mejora”.

Your doctor, in addition, will manage the different presentations of the pharmacy that are available. The composites, according to the presentation, have different concentrations, and the calculation of the milligram per person must be done by the doctor, “according to the necessity of the pathology of this moment, for no comet erroneous therapists“, puntualiza Valdivieso.

The doctors calculate the dose of medicine based on the person’s weight and pathology. Nee, dit is su hijo lo mismo que uso en una enfermedad tu tues mes antes.

The FDA reaffirms the dosage of the los empaques no son siempre claras o consistentes. Vienen senaladas como cucharadas, cucharaditas o mililitros (ml), y dado que cada person tien sus propios utensilios en casa, esto result in reports of accidental sleep dose. If you are not sure about the amount of medicine you will need, ask your doctor.

Además, sepa el peso de su niño. The dose of many medicines is calculated from this date. Do not try to reduce or reduce the amounts, much less than the recommended dose for adults.

I always see the expiration dates. “If a pharmacy has expired or been downgraded because it does not comply with the etiquette, since it does not prove to be a patient of the benefit, then it will tend to be less toxic or have accumulated toxic effects,” the FDA said in a statement. .

Elogios logran more than amenazas

No obligation al niño a abrir la boca. If it is very small, acaricie suavemente la mejilla hasta acete. Coloque la jeringa al costado de la boca y deje que eliquido fluia a un lado de la mejilla internen, evitando tocar la lengua para que el nio no perciba el sabor. A caricature may have the ability to facilitate the delusion. No project of direct medicine in the garganta, because you can increase, lose and vomit.

Finally, the Mosquera pediatrician intervenes, hoping to get some sleep in the case of some pharmacists, especially those who are provocative. If the hours during which the child is not sleeping are dormant, then he is feeling unhappy and irritable.

In general, antihistamines are said to be antiallergic, then at night”, Puntualiza Mosquera. “And the codeine, which is an antitussive and comes in jars for the tos, is mixed with fluids of the moco”.

Avoid the battle for the remedies

The children who are in school are suelen entender unexplained explanation of why they should take their medicines. Help a lot if you receive some kind of estimate, even if it is only a praise for your cooperation.

Pediatrician Benjamín Ortiz, of the FDA, recommends that parents who are healthy, healthy and patient, and not olviden that they are also intelligent and they feel better. ‘If the sabor is the problem, treat a darling, a refreshing free o, if it avoids the sugar, a cube of ice immediately after the medicine, because the holiday sleeps the paladar ”. If the child is mayor, you can allow the narcissist to block as much as he likes.

It’s a simple gesture to return to control the sense of control over its body and can actually help resolve the tension.

Another way to do more lifting the moment is dejar que el niño decida donde quiere tomar la medicina. In his bed, looking for a toy, for mom’s dad, dad or dads? “And it includes allowing him to live with the boca”.

If the child is completely deprived of the liquid medicine, ask your doctor for other alternatives, such as formulas or masticable tablets. “And I remember that a small amount of caraway makes mileage with the little ones”. (F)
