The best tricks to get rid of the pain of the neck

Te agachas, te levantas, te giras … y kualquier gesto sencillo hace que te duela la espalda. Eso es porque het pasado al siguiente nivel. Your body has accumulated intermittent work sessions, hours and hours of bad postures, sedentarism, excessive loads of weight or emotional mobs. Everything is acaba pagando y la espalda es testigo de ello. For this reason, we should rather lament and be able to say that we propose that the final part of the article be submitted to your best ally in order to log.

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Sílvia Oller

GRAFCAT2910.  BARCELONA, 16/03/2020.  - A telegraph work is carried out at its home on Monday, the first day of the application of the Alert Decree, which will, among other things, reduce the restriction on mobility, which will notably reduce new traffic and circulation.  EFE / Enric Fontcuberta

The cleft palate is always up to date. A 95% of Spaniards confuse foot molestation or muscle pain, the majority provoked by professional activity. The first Physiocrem-Association Association of Physiotherapists (AEF) on Salud muscle and Spain indicates that three out of four Spaniards perceive their work as a risk factor and that the Mayor of this type concentrates on the cleft (85%) and the cue (54%).

The causes

Laboratory work and sedentarism

The pain of cleft palate can appear due to various risk factors including for no apparent reason, explained José Casaña Granell, Secretary General of the General Council of Collegios of Physiotherapists of Spain. One of these causes is the laboratory work, and more now with the common practice of teleworking. The large sessions in the office to be converted into an office can be billed on everything if they are made in an ergonomic room.

Young man suffering from back pain working from home

The poor postures work in one of the most frequent causes of cleft palate

Getty Images / iStockphoto

Various studies have shown that those professions that require movement such as agacharse and levantarse repeatedly have a high incidence of lesions in the cleft palate, called Casaña. On the other hand, the works that are precise in the length of time to be without descent or maintain the same posture during extended periods, together with positions that are not adequate to develop this tarea, its ingredients sufficient to terminate the working day with dry, agre is a specialist, who is also director of the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Valencia.

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Juan Pedro Chuet-Missé

To avoid pain due to poor posture in the work should have special letters of curiosity and articular mobility

One of the factors that will increase the risk of padding pain is the sedentary lifestyle. We can say that we see a few active assets and dollars in the case of mana leagues. There are people who can have a sedentary lifestyle and do not feel this pain, but the better it is a good prevention with exercise, according to Arnau Balcells, physiotherapist and osteopath of Olimfit, the online fitness platform of Eurofitness.

Other risk factors

There are other factors that multiply the probability of suffering from cleft palate. The physiotherapist José Casaña enumerates some of them:


Envejecimiento. It degenerates into degenerative processes and desgaste of the vertebral column, pudding provokes affections (for example, degeneration of the disc, spinal stenosis), which produces pain of the spine and spleen.


Sobrepeso. This condition increases the tension in the lumbar region, as well as other loading joints, such as the rollers, producing scalp pain scintillation.


Embarazo. In embarrassed women, a mayor is likely to lose weight due to excess of corporal weight in the anterior part and the ligamentous swelling of the pelvic area while the body is being prepared for the party.


Malas postures. Any type of malaise prolonged, over time, will gradually increase the risk of developing cleft palate.

The formula for combating pain

Ejercicio, el mejor calmante

Following the results of the specialists, the ergonomic furniture staff in the workspaces, not adopting long-distance postures on the sofa, levantarse and move diez minutes every hour, have a good diet with a good diet and key factors for health of espalda.

The evidence is that, for the prevention and treatment of this syndrome, the realization of exercises oriented to the strength and flexibility of the musculature of the pelvis are the most effective, even the physiotherapists.

Attractive fit woman exercising at home.

Physiotherapists recommend exercises to strengthen and flex the musculature of the pelvis.

Getty Images / iStockphoto

But, what are their most indicated characteristics? No hay for the owner of the properties “buenos” o “malos’ para el dolor de espalda, responde el experto de Olimfit. “Sea cual sea el eigencicio, es un atenuante del dolor en general. We do not depend on what we are doing, we are doing it with regularity, ”Balcells said.

However, the specialist reckons that it is important to take into account the load of ownership that we are applying to this area of ​​the body. It should not be overlooked that there are cleft palates and pathologies, but in the following seconds the progression of the application of the cargo is of vital importance, insists Balcells.

“There are sports where this application is progressive during the training, as can yoga, Pilates, general art mobility classes, etcetera – Balcells – and others where the load is very high from the principle. In this case it tends to empress decreasing the time, the load or the intensity to make a good adaptation ”.

Yoga, Pilates, Artificial Mobility Classes .. aplica la carga de forma progresiva

Arnau BalcellsPhysiotherapist and osteopath

We are clear about how best to prevent the pain from spreading its urges as tampoco tends to launch to make routine routines that can end up having a counter effect. Firstly, there is the security that the ownership that we realize is adapted to our capacities and that the amount of cargo is not higher than what we can afford, says Balcells.

We also know that if we take a lesson, we will know what to do and be sure that with the owner we will not give more to the person involved or create painful pain, says the physiotherapist of Olimfit.

‘N Algemenelak, Balcells recommends a calendent with moving amplitude lenses, but not maximum. “A reproduction of the movements we are going to achieve with less speed, less intensity, and giving consciousness in the body also helps us to prevent lesions in the zone”, he points out.

Six owners in the middle of your back

Consists of a variety of useful tools to alleviate the pain of the neck, since the most difficult ones have the most complexities. Ante any more doubt the best is to seek the appreciation of a professional for our help. We continue with our basic routines that we suggest physiotherapists Arnau Balcells and José Casaña.

Woman exercises at home, watches online videos on a laptop, Shiba Inu dog sleeps near her


Plegaria a Mahoma

Our rodillococols in the sole with the gluten-free glutes on the talons. We lean towards the extended braids. When the man touches the sole, we approach the cabeza and intend to advance the man as far as possible without separating the glutes from the talons. The posture is known as “Plegaria a Mahoma” given its appearance.

Rear view of a sportsman lifting weights in the gym.


Rotation of the throne

We will put a palo in our nucleus and enter it with our braces. We intend to maintain the right cabeza and a sloping erected posture, with the pieces to the height of our men. We will make slow-moving slingshots without letting the articulate limbs or levers of the footpaths of the sole.

Young sporty attractive woman practicing yoga doing asana with Cow Pose during inhalation exercise, cat, Marjaryasana pose, exercising, wearing sportswear, full length indoor, white yoga studio


Move the column

Our colloquia in the sun have four paths, supported by our rodillas and our men. Make sure to make an arc with our spade that sobersalga when we breathe and invert the arc when we breathe the air. We need to put awareness in the middle of the gap, that this will be the most sobriety and the most exciting in the two movements. We also think that the cabeza is part of the ravine and has to be involved in the movement as well.

30 weeks pregnant woman exercising at home.  She is on her knees on an exercise mat and doing stretching exercise while holding the fitness ball.


Estirar brazos

Colocate boca abajo. Agarra una fitball y coloca tus antebrazos sobre él. Extiende las piernas detrás de ti. Aguanta tu peso con las rodillas y los antebrazos, que deben estar parallelo entre ellos. The rodillas must be anchored by the men. Mantén la cabeza mirando hacia el suelo. Tells your abdominal muscles and obliques. Haz rodar el fitball hacia delante con los brazos mientras inhala. Make sure that you do not arch the gap during the movement. Vuelve the initial position with a moving force while exhaling. Make sure to move only the braces during the movement.

Side view of active fit young woman in sportswear standing up opposite knees and hands, doing donkey-kick balance exercise, practicing yoga, strengthening full body, a healthy daily habits concept


Equilibrium Cuadrupedia

Colloquate in cuadrupedia about a colchoneta. Your rodillas deben estar debajo de las caderas y las manos debajo de los hombros. Retrae tus omoplatos. Contrast the pelvic floor and the core. Alarga la pierna derecha hasta quede recta mientras simultaneously levanta y estira su brazo izquierdo. Make sure your piercing and braces are parallel to the sole. Vuelve to the initial position with a gentle movement and alternate with the other pierna and brazo. Enter to enter the column all the time using your core muscles.

A professional athlete without a shirt works with an elastic band.  He does exercise for triceps.


Fortalecer brazos

For this routine, a splitter or a knife is needed to parade and watch to select the adequate strength of the elastic band. Coloca una banda en una espaldera a la altura de tu pecho. Agarra la banda con ambas manos. La espaldera debe estar a su lado derecho. Some steps will make you want to increase tension in the band. Dobla ligeramente las rodillas. Contrast the pelvic floor and the core.
Luego, contraindicating the abdominal muscles, moves the mane so that it exhales while exhaling. Make sure to move only the brazos. Vuelve the initial position with a moving inhale while inhaling. Repeat the movement and the change of lad.
Make sure you do not move any other part of your body, paying special attention to your abdominal muscles. Enter into a moving and controlled movement.

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