The best time to do house ownership, do you want to wait? | Salud | La Revista

There are theories for every day of the day: for the latter the body is most related, for the world has the most energy.

Numerous studies and demonstrations that physical activity has different effects on the organism depending on at what moment the day is realized. Without embarrassment, scientists have no clue what their moments are and are the most beneficial to engage in physical activity. I know that it depends on many factors and, on the other hand, each person in particular.

In large races, the humans divide us into groups: the diurnal (Lambados alondras, por el pájaro de hábitos madrugadores) y los noctámbulos (los búhos, in reference to las nocturnas por antonomasia). In the same way, there are people who are better at making sports per la manana y otras por la tarde. The circadian rhythm controls in each person factors such as blood pressure and corporal temperature, and from this derivative, well mediated, the distinct preferences of individuals and other individuals. It’s as I specify the studio “The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research”.

In this study, some variables are revealed that involve all individuals, but also the genetic differences between them and others. One of them is the corporeal temperature, which in general is most bad for the moon and lies to its maximum during the hours of the tar and the anochecer. The alondanza people alcanzan their maximum temperature one hour antes -en promedio- that the farms.

As a consequence of this, the risk of injuries is mayor al hacer deport por la manana. For this reason, women train in the first hours of the day to become aware of the importance of achieving a good caloric intake – more rigorous than what is necessary for the strength of the muscles and tendons.

When sports are practiced late-night, oxygen consumption is minor and, consequently, activity results more efficiently. This is the conclusion of a scientific study by the Institute of Science Weizmann, Israel, to carry out first experiments with rats and lie with humans. The studio publishes the year passed in the specialized magazine Cell metabolism.

According to the authors of the study, the rationale of this mayor’s efficiency is associated with a ZMP metabolite, which levels are increased by the end of the day and proportionally to a certain dose of extra energy. Hecho, this ZMP is a natural analogue of a compound known as Aicar, “which some athletes use for doping”, explanation Gad Asher, director of the studio.

In 2008, the University of Texas dio to conceive a statistics According to the study, the “matutin” students had a significantly higher academic return than the nocturnal students. These results are based on surveys of 824 students, who are classified as “matutinos” or “nocturnos” depending on what day they are most productive or what will be paid or costly to all restricted.

There is currently no definitive answer as to what time of day is better for practicing sports. Una revision of studies published the last step ratified that the effects of the no arrests were made if it were realized at night. But I have to work harder to incline the base of some of the options: if it is better for the month or for the day. (I)
