The best memes about Yulien Oviedo and Jorge Junior by not knowing that they are a dictatorship

The best memes to Yulien Oviedo and Jorge Junior for not knowing what dictatorship is

The best memes to Yulien Oviedo and Jorge Junior for not knowing what dictatorship is. (Photo: Incomunista-Instagram)

Last week, the Cuban regents Yulien Oviedo and Jorge Junior debated controversial social speeches in publicly demonstrating their dictatorship in Cuba.

The activity of the urban performers was the object of burla and memes that continued to be shared:

Yulien Oviedo no Cree has a dictatorship in Cuba

From a ranch in Texas, where you can find your next phonographic work, and in dialogue with Un Martí To ‘Durako —Popular personality of cyberspace— Yulien indicates that if there is a complex in the Island, there could be no comparison with other regimes.

“Because you learn the concept of dictatorship to see it as it is,” he replied to his interviewer. “There are things in Cuba that have been very strong, they have seen episodes of repression a few strong, not ten that have been related to it, but think that the dictatorship of Hitler, he killed the people”.

“No creo, hay sus cosas, y te digo, the situation is very difficult but he has seen episodes of repression, in the colas, as it was located in a park and the many ponies. I see that the concept but I do not believe that it is a dictatorship ”.

Jorge Junior announces the existence of the Cuban dictatorship

The director of Los 4 also knows the existence of a dictatorship in the Isla.

During another recent interview with Un Martí To ‘Durako, Jorgito replied that there is no erudite in matter and therefore, prefer to make silence.

“No sabría decir si en Cuba hay una”, declares Jorge Jr. “I’m not what I call it, because I’m not talking about it. No too sabría answer bien. Yo sé que hay muchas cosas que no están bien, que hay que arreglarlas, pero no quiero decirte ‘es esto’, sin saber lo que estoy diciendo ”.

“Yes, I’re under the price of corrient, but good, in my case, I’re working, I have no problem, but I’m paying you not to agree to what you’re consuming and I can have problems with me and many artists , and so it is that arreglarlo ”.
