The best diet for 2021 is the Mediterranean

The best diet is the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean diet – rich in healthy fats, fish, whole grains and products, and low-processed foods and red meat – was named by the overall best diet for 2021 by US news and world report.

This is the fourth consecutive year that the Mediterranean diet is at the top of the annual list.

A panel of nutritionists and specialists in diabetes, heart health and weight loss made the Mediterranean diet their best choice out of 39 eating plans.

The best diet is the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean diet and why you should consider it

Greece is generally known for its beautiful islands, friendly people and most importantly, delicious food. It is known that locals lead long lives full of energy. Their diet is so popular that it is followed internationally by all cultures and loved by all because of its positive health benefits.

Dietary trends come and go, but the Mediterranean diet is likely to remain so due to the wide variety of ingredients to enjoy and the lack of restrictive restrictions imposed by other diets.

It is a diet that is easy to follow and contains fresh and fragrant ingredients, packed with delicious herbs, vital vitamins and minerals needed to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets in the world, which is considered more of a lifestyle, throwing negative connotations around the word ‘diet’.

Mediterranean diet Greek food

What to Expect to Eat While Enjoying This Diet

The Mediterranean diet is not as strict as others, it allows for a wide variety of foods that you can enjoy and makes it easy to follow. The diet promotes the consumption of foods high in omega-3s and healthy fats, such as;

  • Olive oil
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Grains
  • Vegetables

People following this diet should reduce their intake of foods that contain:

  • Sugar added
  • Transvette
  • Processed meat
  • Refined oils
  • Highly processed foods

The diet encourages the healthy eating of foods made with fresh ingredients, rather than processed foods that can harm the health of the intestines.

Here are 5 benefits that a diet must try:

Good for your heart health

The Mediterranean diet is especially known for benefiting the health of the heart by reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is due to the Omega-3 packaged ingredients that are encouraged to eat while following this diet.

Good for your brain

A day food full of heart-healthy ingredients also has fantastic benefits for your brain health. The Mediterranean diet can help prevent long-term memory loss, and also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other types of cognitive decline. About 60% of your brain is fat, half that of Omega-3. If you do not get enough of this fatty acid, it is related to learning difficulties, as well as depression. Fortunately, the Mediterranean diet is full of healthy fatty foods that can be enjoyed daily.

Help with depression and anxiety

As mentioned briefly above, the amount of Omega-3 that your body consumes affects the emotions of an individual, which can lead to someone feeling depressed or happy. It is known that omega-3 fatty acids improve mood and can be found in items such as fatty fish. The Mediterranean diet also contains grains such as Quinoa which have been found to contain flavonoids, which are known to have a significant antidepressant effect.

It’s good for your gut

The Mediterranean diet promotes the consumption of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, which are known to improve healthy bacteria and which generally have a positive effect on the health of the intestines. It also helps reduce inflammation and emphasizes high-fiber foods.

People with arthritis can benefit from this diet

The diet contains ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties. Following this diet can eliminate the symptoms of arthritis. Bananas, for example, contain a lot of magnesium and potassium which can increase bone density. Minerals such as magnesium are also known to relieve arthritis symptoms.

Mediterranean diet Greek food

In general, the Mediterranean diet is a stable diet that everyone can enjoy. The diet encourages the eating of fresh and nutritious ingredients that provide health benefits as well as eliminating foods that result in health issues, weight gain and other negative consequences. Many individuals choose to follow the Mediterranean diet and have more success in sticking to it in the long run, as the meals to choose from are so much wider compared to other diets.

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