The best actions to get rid of and relieve the cervicals

Sueles padecor de dolor en la zona de las cervicales? The modern life style, in which many workers are in front of the computer and in which we have a large part of it moving the car, can provide that we appear molesters in the cervical zone. Moreover, if we do not correctly correct or not with a good postural hygiene, the area of ​​the well can be surcharged and, therefore, localized dollars appear.

To suffer against this situation, do not know more than to know some of them best resources to save and reload cervicals. In this article we will show you the steps of some of the most difficult and effective ones that can be incorporated into your diary routine. Be careful!

The best cervical diseases

El pain in the cervical zone suele appears for various reasons. One of them is that we do not have much of it in the same posture; but, also, we can be sure that we have a bad corporate position or that we do not do it properly. All of these factors can make it difficult, in the long run, for our body to suffer from a 100% loss of weight.

To get rid of the cervicals and consume a body in optimal condition, do not know more than to know some of the most indicated indications for relajar this part of the body. Here we have a selection of the easiest things you can do.

Stirring and splitting

We deal with an emergency that results perfectly for reduce accumulated tension en el cuello y en la parte más alta de la espalda. To do this, follow the steps that we have indicated.

• Sit in a room with the right cleft palate.

• Ahora, levanta el brazo derecho y colócalo tras la espalda.

• In this position, a little bit of the cabeza hacia the laz izquierdo y con la mirada fija al suelo par la zona se estire al maximo.

• Aguanta 15 seconds and, nevertheless, repeat the same acquisition time with the other brazo.

Relaja el cuello

The pain of the cervical spine can also be caused by what we do excessive rigidity in the zone of the spring. In these cases, the best part is the part of the body that follows the steps that we indicate:

• Coge una toalla y colokala en la nuca. With these hands, the extreme part of the towel is subject to being stretched.

• Now, I’ve going to drive the cave back and add 10 seconds.

• Después, recovers the central position and echa the cabeza hacia adelante, mirando el suelo durante 10 segundos.

The tool is used to subject the zone well and if you do not have to do it in excess, but if you can do it without the need, you have the choice!

Massage the cervical zone

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items. motor massage. It’s a perfect technique for palliating the molesters before they get aggravated and feel unrelated to the affected area. Notarized information form and in order to do so correctly only tend to follow these steps:

• With the deductions, pressure is removed from the core and it moves its hands through the spring and it slowly moves the height of the gap.

• Appreciates with the yemas of the dedos y, when notes dolor or molestia, appraises more intensely in the zone.

• Puedes bajar hacia la zona de los hombros para consigir un burgemeester ontspan die toda la parte alta de la espalda.

– López, GE, Mañó, TS, Lluch, MC, and Moscardó, LD (2011). Effects of an adult ocular cervical sphincter program on cervical mobility. Physiotherapy, 33 (2), 41-49.

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– Biriukov, AA (2007). The sports massage (Vol. 1). Editorial Paidotribo.
