The beautiful, the false and the engaging in the inauguration of the El Salvador Hospital evacuation center

From the capacity of the Hospital El Salvador, has the advance of the evacuation respect to Central America, as well as the discourse of Bukele in the inauguration of the evacuation center against the COVID.

El Salvador Hospital was created to operate as an exclusive hospital for patients with COVID-19. Although the Gobierno initially announced that it would be listed in June 2020, it took another year for the third phase to conclude. This April 12, President Nayib Bukele announced that the third phase of El Salvador Hospital, which was planned as an area with more Intensive Care Units, will be a evacuation center.

Pero the discourse of the president tuvo some hechos short, false and other English. The Diary of Hoy verifies some of them:

“Phase I (El Salvador Hospital) will be ready in time for our health care system to be dismantled” – FALSO

Phase I of El Salvador Hospital was inaugurated on June 21, 2020; for this month, the cases of COVID alcanzaban su burgemeester pico from which the first case was reported in March. It has accumulated 2046 active cases and 107 attributable deaths to COVID. In addition, the governing body reported 182 positive cases in one day, the highest number of new cases at this time, according to the official page Some doctors are working on the collapse of hospitals.

In malfunctioning registers, deaths attributable to “atypical neurons”, respiratory distress, respiratory failure, and cardiovascular respiratory failure were reported, which were consulted by El Diario de Hoy on COVID-19 deaths.

In addition, although Gobierno inaugurated Phase I, a step was taken for the health staff to attend the contracted hospital. As soon as the Hospital went into operation, the curve of cases had been raised by Mayor Pico, a number that had not been registered since March 2020.

Bukele also ensures that a timed phase is removed, the prenatal tendon is accessed. Nunca ocurrió. Hoy’s Diario solicited two times the access and the negative refusal.

Puedes leer: ¿Qué pasa si no me vacun0?

400 beds with all the necessities (Phase I). So we disregard the Health System ”- FALSO

Since the El Salvador Hospital was inaugurated, Bukele has given inaccurate dates about the centre’s hospital capacity. A document published on the Presidency’s Web site last year confirms that the first phase of El Salvador Hospital, located between the Central American and Central American (with ex Cifco) actually had 105 beds for the United Intensive Care Unit (UCI) and no with 400 as affirmative Bukele.

Ayer, April 12, Bukele added another date: dijo que la red Hospitalaria ya cuente con 1,130 Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, pero esa nifra no ha sido corroborada porque ni el gobierno ha presenta imagenes de la capaciad total ni la prense ha tenido acceso to verify.

“We have the mayor’s vacancy number of the region only at the level per capita at the total level” – FALSO

“Our world in data”, a publication of the University of Oxford, shows the dose number applied to the inhabitants of Central America from December. The countries with the majority of doses applied in Costa Rica and Panama, with up to 500,000 doses summed up until April 11 this year. Costa Rica was evacuated in December.

Luego follows El Salvador and Guatemala with up to 200,000 doses applied. For the last time Honduras is located, the country with my applications is closed. Nicaragua has no hay dates.

Another way to see the evolution of Central America vacancies is to compare the number of people fully vacated by country. Costa Rica lives up to 213,562 fully evacuated people, followed by Panama with 157,100; Honduras with 2,639; Guatemala with 1 639 y El Salvador, is no report dato sobre esto.

Costa Rica and Panama will be the first countries in the region to start evacuating their inhabitants. El Salvador takes less than one month to administer the first dose.

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“We will not be able to occupy 60% of the capacity (of El Salvador Hospital” – ENGAÑOSO

Geen hooi public dates about the capacity of Hospital El Salvador and also dates of ingress, aggression and patient outcomes with COVID-19 waiting in the cabin. Hecho, the information related to the pandemic has been reserved by the Government until further notice.

On March 24 of this year, the Ministry of Health declared the total reserve of information related to the application and purchase of vacancies against COVID-19, concluding the access to these dates until 5 years ago. Asimismo, the “Register of cabins intended for evacuation against the SARS-Cov-2” will be a reserve for three years.

But he did not have the only information that the Governor had known. The majority of official information related to the maneuver, purchases and statistical data on the pandemic have been declared in the reserve.

“We will have an alza (of cases) in the last days” – ENGAÑOSO

The numbers of new and low housing cases are steadily rising, which has resulted in a graph of new housing cases that will appear before the July and August 2020 peak.

In addition, the new case dates are updated with the return by the Government. It’s not uncommon for them to happen, there are only three days since they were updated. Google’s directory for positive issues in the country distorts itself when it says that the official page does not provide information about new cases: Google’s graph reports on cases that are clear, because the governing body publishes these dates.

The last retreat between the 4th and the 12th of April, the Government does not publish dates on new cases. How to build a home in the last days without these dates?

In December of this year, the researcher and academic Oscar Picardo Joao said: “It is preoccupied from the point of view of statistics (that the data are not updated) and that the epidemiological photograph”.

“El Salvador heredo a precarious health system” – VERDADERO

In 2014, various specialists from the Rosales Nacional Hospital denounced in El Diario de Hoy the lack of medicines, data and the lack of technological equipment, data in the hospital infrastructure, as there are no functions and rooms of operations with up to 15 people.

Although Gobierno has installed facilities, bought new equipment and contracted staff to deal with the pandemic, the lack of medication for patients with cancer, for example, is continuing. The ISSS team performed the passing year for the operation of the El Salvador Hospital. And yes, Bukele announced that health personnel will be transferred to the Salvador Hospital evacuation center to cover the demand.
