The Batman universe revived the female power in the “Pennyworth” series

Mexico. “Pennyworth”, a series based on the Batman universe, revolves around the women in their second period with strong female figures and powerful lies of decades of being sometimes in the masculine power of fiction.

“Historically in the Batman universe the women have not had the permission to be together. Normally, the power that is best served only in its sexual value and the desire that the cause causes in men and Bet is more compelling than it is ”, comment Paloma Faith in a monthly meeting with Latin American media.

Faith da vida a Bet Sykes, a sadistic villain part of the extremist group clandestine Raven Society, who pretends to convert the Gobierno del Reino Unido into a fascist power.

Another essential female figure who will show off more of her role is that of Martha Kane (Batman’s future mother), a young photojournalist who will take her life to avoid the ascension of the Raven Society.

“Martha has a proposal and is part of the revolution. He has a mayor who is of his own accord, now he has the most authority over who he is. In the first period, it was announced that it would be time to take a woman in her 60s, but so far she has been waiting, ”she said. Emma Paetz, on interpreter.

The series, which is set to air on February 28 in Latin America following the Starzplay platform, follows the adventures just written by a young Alfred Pennyworth, who is best known for being Batman’s mayor in comics and devoted films to famous persona.

Ambiented in the decade of the 1960s, production took place in a realist universe created by Bruno Heller, which is much of the superhero characterization productions.

Most profound characters

“The first period was due to the introduction and in the second will be shown more capabilities of our characters”, however, Faith talks about the complexity and uncertainty that experimented with his characters in initiating this time when the London Civil War took place.

“At the beginning of the early period Alfred did not have any preoccupation in the world, now he has mated to propose to him in a completely different place”, dice Jack Bannon, “Pennyworth” protagonist, about his character.

The success of dicho suceso, the loss of the great love of his life and other events, ponen about the month to a Alfred more complejo deja a poco de lado the humor that the character to show a more dark and fragile part of the same.

“Your vulnerability is something that you have to explore before you even intend to tap. In the early days, the pursuit of humor, but in this second will be more closed and includes more selfishness in intending to consecrate the money to lie to America with its mother ”, añade.

For his part, Thomas Wayne (father of Batman) interpreted by Ben Aldridge, will live the reunion with Martha, who hopes reciprocity in the sentimental relationship that has begun to unfold.

Without embarrassment, she encounters a Wayne indisputable and with no political intentions that the deceiver.

“Wayne will take care of the ignorant spy we know, to convert into a more cynical, more free and less affectionate man. Creo that Martha has regressed a little to her sense of justice and honor”, Comenta Aldridge.

In addition, the creator Bruno Heller stated that this time Martha will live an embarrassment. Without embarrassment, little one knows if the father of this baby is Thomas and if he is treated by the first advice of Bruce Wayne (Batman) in the series.

On the other hand, Paloma Faith hopes that the series will generate reflections on the political reality of what the world will achieve.

“At the same time, the form in which the company is operating is analyzed. We can see an increase in the contrast between law and the rule of goblins. Because we can not distinguish between who is the attacker and who is the attacker and what can be seen in the program ”, dice Faith.
