The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum produces a virtual act dedicated to the nines with the motto of the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

Entered the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Oswiecim, Poland.  REUTERS / Kacper Pempel
Entered the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Oswiecim, Poland. REUTERS / Kacper Pempel

With motive of International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, which since 2005 celebrates all the years in commemoration of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp and extermination Auschwitz-Birkenau, realized a virtual act in homage to all the failures during the genocide, which takes into account the presence of Sobrevivientes, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the Israeli and Russian diplomats.

The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and Memorial preserves the Auschwitz extermination camp established in Polish Poland by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. More than 1.1 million people, most of them Jews, walled in gas chambers on campus or in the open, on holiday.

The main theme of the 76th anniversary of liberation was the destino de los niños en Auschwitz.

Niños and Auschwitz.  (Shutterstock)
Niños and Auschwitz. (Shutterstock)

More than 200,000 disabled workers in Auschwitz. Completely ignorant, good, curious about life, who loves his most sought after and trusted in other niches. The world of adults, nevertheless all, has the right to injustice and cruelty, has never demonstrated so much malice and lack of courage. You can not justify yourself by any ideology, just adjusting your views on politics. This year we will dedicate the anniversary of the liberation to the most young victims of the camp“, Dijo el Dr Piotr MA Cywiński, director of the State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Zdzisława Włodarczyk was a sovereign who shared his testimony and assured that in the concentration camp “The nights are the most difficult”. “Nine lloraban and pedian by their mothers dormían, pero luego se quedaban en silencio porque sabían que nadie vendria a acariciar sus cabezas oa abrazarlos. Morian solos. There are nines that nacieron in the camp and no dieron el derecho a vivir ya que fueron assesinados immediately. We do not have numbers and we do not have numbers ”, account in a interview interviewed in the virtual act.

Compare the Holocaust during the coronavirus pandemic, which is also considered as a war. ‘People are very fond of each other, the chicks can not play between them, they are nervous and they want to deal with trauma. There is a lot of supremacy and the people are very sad. The world has not been sufficiently careful”, Afirmó.

Mandatory credit: Photo by Northcliffe Collection / ANL / Shutterstock (10382215a) WWII: Germany: Cruelty: Auschwitz Concentration Camp.  Photo shows: Prisoners of the Jews standing by the electric fence at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the war Northcliffe Collection: WWII
Compulsory Credit: Photo by Northcliffe Collection / ANL / Shutterstock (10382215a) WWII: Germany: Cruelty: Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Photo shows: prisoners from the Jews standing by the electric fence at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the war Northcliffe Collection: WWII

Lasker-Wallfisch, for its part, is considered a “Sobreviviente de ese infierno en la tierra”. Reveló que arribó a Auschwitz en 1943 met 18 años sabiendo que iba a ser “Converted in humo”. “Geen tenía ninguna ilusión, se sabía lo que sucedía ahí adentro”, narro.

Detail that should be sorevivated by the llegada of the Soviet troops that liberated the camp in mid-1945. “That being alive is graceful to the absurd giros that can take the life. Although it is difficult to create, it has music in its infancy ”, express, at the time that the public is honor the memory of the victims who never died lo acontecido.

The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, also took part in the ceremony and called to preserve material and all types of evidence that demonstrate signs of existence of the victims “to ensure that Humanity never wavered from them”.

“No more genocide, no more odio or racism”, demonstrated the mandate.

PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda.  July 12, 2020. REUTERS / Aleksandra Szmigiel
PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda. July 12, 2020. REUTERS / Aleksandra Szmigiel

Mientras que la embjadora de Israel en Polonia, Tal Ben-Ari Yaalon, counting that his abuelo lost to the mayor part of his family in Auschwitz. Además de honrar a todas las viktimas pidió recordar a los Justos entre las Naciones, aquellas persona n judías que arriesgaron sus vidas para ayudar a judíos duran Holocaust.

Assimilation, sign that he “Audio and racism are issues that we need to address” and what is “Our responsibility to learn the lesson of the Holocaust”. “We must do everything we can to ensure that our horrors do not go unnoticed, without importing sex, religion, race, color or sexual preferences. Dependence on us”, Indicó.

It is estimated that at least 232,000 children and young people were deported to Auschwitz, 216,000 were killed by the Jews. A total of 23,000 people were registered in the concentration and extermination camp. 700 more released by Soviet troops in January 1945.

The Auschwitz campus was closed to visitors during 161 days due to the coronavirus pandemic. From 2019, an increase of 2.3 million people will be visited, while in 2020 this number will be reduced to an increase of 502 mil.


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