The AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine will be tested in children as young as 6 years old

A healthcare worker gives a dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at a mass vaccination site in Las Mesa, California on February 11th.
A healthcare worker donates a dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at a mass vaccination site in Las Mesa, California on February 11th. Bing Guan / Bloomberg / Getty Images

The U.S. state of California is adding millions of people to the Covid-19 priority list for vaccinations, including high-risk residents with developmental and other disabilities and those with “serious serious health conditions.”

The plan, outlined by health officials in an information session on Friday, will begin on March 15 and enable cancer patients, pregnant women and other disabled people to engage with health workers, the elderly, teachers and farm staff for a vaccine. The expansion could add up to 6 million California residents to the priority list.

It also broadens the ages from 65 and older to 16 to 64 in those categories.

California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Mark Ghaly told reporters early March 15 will give officials time to work out details on how to get vaccines to people with various disabilities and include home visits.

Ghaly acknowledged that the timing could be optimistic, and warned ‘we are still dealing with the scarcity of vaccine. This week, the drastic shortage of vaccines in the state led to the closure of the mass centers in Los Angeles. ‘

The extensive list of those eligible includes people with cancer, chronic kidney disease, oxygen-dependent heart disease, Down syndrome, immunosuppressed recipients of organ transplants, pregnant women, people with sickle cell disease, severe obesity and certain type 2 diabetes.

Ghaly expressed concern about the inequality between color distribution and low-income areas. There are plans to reach out to community clinics, public health systems and what they call “trusted messengers in communities who, according to data, are reluctant to be vaccinated.”

Senior state health officials have admitted complaints from rural provinces that they have not received their fair share of vaccines. According to officials, these areas have historically been medically understaffed, and much of the early spread was in areas with a large number of medical workers.

Officials say the focus will now shift to rural areas in California’s agricultural community, which have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

Officials also believe that a focus on California residents with developmental disabilities and severe underlying conditions will allow for more vaccinations in vulnerable conditions, such as prisons, homeless shelters and areas where homeless people live.

The state estimates that 13 million Californians are eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine, including 3 million health workers, 3.4 million food and agricultural workers, 1.4 million in the education sector, one million emergency services and more than 6 million people older than the age. of 65.
