The Angels enfrenta devastador point of covid-19

(CNN) – The Los Angeles team has been fighting a brutal battle against the covid-19 during the week.

The new infections have disappeared and approximately one in five residents have had the test obtained a positive result.

In more than one month, the duplicate condensate number of infections, passing from 400,000 cases on November 30 to more than 800,000 cases the 2nd of January, there will be health workers on Monday.

The case dilution has been translated into an increase in patients with covid-19, hospitalized abrasions and the reduction in capacity of intensive care units in the region. Now there are more than 7,600 hospitalized people with covid-19 in the county, 21% of the cases are in the UCI, the authorities say

There are no hospital beds available, ambulance crews in the reception area to transport patients with survival probes. And patients who have been transported to the hospital have to wait hours before having a bed available.

“Hospitals are declaring internal disasters and have to open high schools to function as hospital units,” said Supervisor Hilda Solís, describing the situation as a “humanitarian disaster.”

And a person killed by the virus every 15 minutes, said the director of public health of the district of Los Angeles, Barbara Ferrer.

Pero empeorará. Authorities say they are currently conducting a derivative of the Christmas meetings.

“It is probable that the increases in the cases will continue throughout the week as a result of the festivities and celebrations of the end of the year and of the travelers who regress,” said Ferrer. “It is probable that in the future we will experience the poor conditions of those who have been killed during the pandemic, and so it is difficult to imagine.”

There are so many things.

The ambulance crews receive instructions sombrías

While hospitalizations, the Emergency Medical Services Agency (EMS) of the Condé de Los Angeles has been ordered by ambulance teams to transport them to hospitals
to patients with certain possibilities of survival and that preserve the use of oxygen.

Before the pandemic, when health workers and medical staff were most available, patients who had the chance to recover podiums were transported in an ambulance to the hospital to receive treatment.

But Los Angeles hospitals now have the maximum and many medical facilities do not have the space to receive patients who do not have the possibility of sobrevivir, say the agency. Patients with coronary heart disease are being treated and resuscitated, the EMS of the patient said he would not be transported to hospitals.

“With immediate vigilance, debilitating severity of covid-19 pandemic in emergency medical services and 9-1-1 receptor hospitals, adult patients (18 years of age or major) in a traumatic cardiac ward and keng traumático fuera del hospitaal geen serán transportados [si] the return of spontaneous circulation on the ground is not being delayed », the agency said in a memorandum issued to ambulance workers last week.

If there are no signs of respiration or pulse, EMS will continue the resuscitation for at least 20 minutes, the memo said. If the patient stabilizes after the resuscitation period, he will be transferred to a hospital. If the patient is declared dead in the bed or can not restore the pulse, the paramedics will not transport the body to the hospital.

And the oxygen collection, given the high number of patients with covid-19, also had pressure on the system to preserve the summit.

“Given the need to conserve oxygen, with immediate effect, EMS should only administer supplemental oxygen to patients with 90% oxygen saturation”, said EMS in a memorandum to ambulance teams on Monday.

The ambulances during the hospital rush hour

And including the need to read to hospitals, some medical emergencies technicians have to hope to perform during hours, and hospitals have not had enough beds to receive patients.

“We are hoping to have four hours at least one hospital and now we will be conducting more … we will be hoping for another three hours,” said EMT Jimmy Webb of KCAL, a CNN affiliate.

Local officials have tried to reach out to the public, calling them 911 less than “really need it”, said Dr. Marc Eckstein, Commander of the EMS Officer of the Bomberos Department of Los Angeles, at the CNN affiliate, KABC.

“One of our mayor’s challenges at the moment is sacrificing our ambulances in the Emergency Department,” Eckstein said in a statement. “When our paramedics and emergency medical technicians transport a patient to an emergency department, they must carry out a referral. The unstable patients who can not be transferred to a safe room in a hospital room, need a bed in the emergency department to be transferred. And those camas are missing at the moment ».

And while the ambulances are waiting in the hospitals, they are less likely to respond to other calls to 911 that are waiting, as they are being resuscitated.

“I believe that this close period of four weeks will be critical to our system of issues and taxes,” said Eckstein.

Jenn Selva de CNN contributes important information.
