The Alfa mounts in a Bugatti and accelerates “an urban with no head” between borics and dominicans

In a snowball fight, the “without urban sense” that separates between Dominicans and Puerto Ricans lies that El Alfa “allantara” in a lujoso Bugatti that only understands and that is the launch of the disco “Los dioses” of Anuel and Ozuna.

Además de ellos, en la guerra abierta y en “todos contra todos” que villos un entienden cuál es elblemema, han figurado Farruko, Arcángel, Raphy Pina, Molusco, Santiago Matías y otros protagonistas del movimiento urbano en Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.

The origin of the “unquestionable and insignificant problem” initiated in the midst of the strategy of the Puerto Rican urban exponents Ozuna and Annual AA for the launch of “Los Dioses”, his first album in conjunction with two unspoken themes, a project in the which has been working for over fifty years.

Preview of the promotion of the disco, Anuel shared in his social speeches a photo with his white Bugatti.

+ The publication “of pain”

In continuation, El Alfa has a dealer publication, learning that it bought a red / black Bugatti.

“There is no way to go anywhere !! my discipline me tiene donde estoy. The first Bugatti in the Dominican Republic, repeated The Animal, The Criminal, The Best “, was the message that the Alpha wrote along with various photographs presumably of the vehicle (which is ultimately determined by the purchase and only by” a ” bulto ”.

Without embarrassment, this publication of Alfa’s converts on social media, supports media attention with opinions of all kinds referring to the purchase and the dominant interpretation of its musical and private life.

The comments on the farandula intuyeron de inmediato that the scandalous media scandal generated from the publication of Bugatti del Alfa the “apagó” the “sound” at the launch of the album “Los Dioses” by Anuel y Ozuna and that estarían molestos con el dominicano.

+ A “bump” of Alpha

In the middle of the incident, actor and locator Jorge Pabón “Molusco” communicated with the agent of the concessionaire, who said that El Alfa had bought it and that “he had lost.”

This “Molusco” database is interpreted as a humiliation for El Alfa, although the poorest communicator alone has the intention of seeking an informative initiative.

All the malestar fue subiendo de ton and tornándose “color hormiga”, con burlas collectives at Alfa, including some influencers from the urban music industry in Puerto Rico.

Through the moose of many people (hasta de Anuel), the theme tomo or giro giro preoccupant when some start to dimension the situation and bring it to the poor and Dominican urban areas.

+ Reaction of Santiago Matías

Including, the relationships and “the cure” of the Puerto Ricans will motivate the dominant producer Santiago Matías (“Alofoke”) to pay homage to Miami’s improvised manner, adding that he will interview Anuel ya Ozuna, what he did not read.

Santiago Matías, “preoccupied” by his friend El Alfa, has read to share a message sent to him: “Open the doors, you have an ally, now you have an amenity, also for your life”.

Luego, in his Instagram story Alofoke aggregated: “Contract guardaespaldas El Alfa, deja de estar pariguayando con el Bla, abre los ojos, temo por tu vida”.

It was summed up that Santiago announced that he was withdrawing from the communication media, which was not intended (tampoco nadie le creie).

+ El Alfa ¿se arrodilla?

When the Alpha desires its “emotional bugatti” it is the account of what it has done to the poor, to which it attributes “deberle” to internationalization.

Fue entonces when the interpretation of “Singapore” dio a “reversal” and published a post disculpandose.

Alfa claims that the photo posted on social media alleging a Bugatti Chiron was valued at $ 3 million and was “poorly interpreted” and as a consequence of this loss is due to its colleagues at the Anuel y Ozuna urban music scene.

“I would like to be clear and express what is really in my heart, the photograph of the car was poorly interpreted quiero pedirle public disculas a @ anuel “I was treated better than a German and I helped him a lot in my career”, wrote the dembowsero.

El Alfa: “I love you and never lose my temper all the moments and good things that hiciste for me @frabianeli I apologize for any moment I hice feel bad, you know the love I love for courage @pinarecords y @ Ozuna disculpen the bad intention will not happen … #EmanuelHerrera ”.

In his post, The Alfa also released the discus to Ozuna, producer Raphy Pina (Pina Récords) and Frabian Eli, this is Anuel’s last Monday, and which is a fundamental piece in the urban diatribe.

Many interpret the Alpha discs as a humiliation and that this is evident from the servility of the boricuas and, in particular, that it is ratified as “the land of Anuel”.

Many will have to collect the recorded accusation of the rapper stadium Tekashi 69, who accused Alfa of grabbing with it and the tildo of “lambón”.

+ Reply Ozuna y Anuel

Ozuna reacted ante the disciples of the Dominican: “A real war, you are your family bro, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico somos hermanos, TQM bro”.

The same hizo Anuel: “We love you and we respect you a lot … at no time have we ever had anything against my husband! It did not pass na … Sigue representing the RD with the front in front as this beautiful country is the merce ”.

Also the manager of Anuel, Frabian Eli, wrote: “Emmanuel, you are dear and I am very much loved”.

The same as the producer Raphy Pina: “It was free from the tire of the first powder. Eres un varón, y como te dije en privada, no es el que tenga culpa, es quien sepa disculpar y seguir adelante, soy tan dominicano com tú, trabajo con dominicanos, y para mí el crecimiento parejo es valid, si no me crees busquen Pam Pam. God bless you ”.

+ People opinions

Other exponential exponents “metieron la cuchara” and opinion about it sucedido. Farruko was one of them.

Carlos Efrén Reyes Rosado, Farruko’s number, called the Dominicans to unite to impulse the dembow, variant of the impulsive urban music of the Dominican territory.

“Jerga de ustedes no la dejen caer, júntense que es el momento; representen que ustedes no son menos que nadie y estaban ciegos porque se marestan con las fiestas y la pandemia sirvió para que vieran que ustedes pueden vivir de streamear y que hacen números if it’s more like us in the day 2021. If you’ve been a fan of Puerto Rico’s movement and herman. It’s not clear that good music can not be performed “.

Farruko agrees: “Everybody has the right to have an opinion on what they want … the biscuit is not everything and he can not with the exit of the other that he hears. Me quité, hablamo ‘jamá’ no le voy a dar más luz “.

Mientras, el puertorriqueño Arcángel la Maravilla defensive line defensive line, preguntando por qué nadie llamó ni hizo nadie cuando Bad Bunny mistró su Bugatti para saber si lo había comprado en realidad o lo había tomado fia´o.


The alpha loss pediment in order to accommodate the animals, the fire.

Otros is made by another rumor to interpret that this situation is part of the lesser view that the poor are dominated by the Dominicans.

También salieron a colación los supuestos complejos de inferioridad de los dominicanos.
Finally, opinion polls have been taking place since week one on communication media and digital platforms on this “berenjenal”.

Some have insisted on enforcing Puerto Rican and Dominican cities, while others would approve to signal the weaknesses of the Dominican urban movement.

Inside the torment in the water vase, El Lápiz Conciente “metió la cuchara” enfilo contra de local producer Santiago Matías (Alofoke) by supuestamente decir that the Dominicans do not support their artists.

“I’m one of the patriots, oye lo dice a los dominicanos en su cara, que no apoyan, ¿y cómo llegamos aquí, eso es intolerante, mal nacido”.

+ “Puertorriqueños no tienen que cargar con los dominicanos”

“Puerto Rican urban artists are not obligated to help us to load up with our movement. Its platform is one that has more than three or three years”, is the product of Santiago Matías.

The producer of “Alofoke radio show” indicates that one of the ills of the local urban movement is that there is no union and lack of support for the same public.

“Ustedes no apoyan a sus artistas, los artistas tampoco se comportan. When artists come to grab what one wants to listen to, they get to know the import, which they do then eat, ”said Matías.

The urban producer knows that the world is competitiveness and excellence in music “and here we work medium, digan what you are digan and punto, and all this is about a faradula theme of a fokin carro”.

Matías criticized the fact that the local towns “do not guard the pesos” because they are willing to raise the quality of the productions and videos that graban.

According to Santiago, the Puerto Ricans “collaborated with us in a manner never before seen”.

Reto to a Dominican urban the master “that an artist from Puerto Rico has done a musical collaboration or he has a lady part of the master”.

“No hooi problems of nations here, no hooi oppression, ellos geen tienen no type of obligation with us”, insisted.

The poor, enfatizó, “we do not have anything, they have taken us, because of the fanatics of our movement, our allegory, our jockeying, they love it ”.
Matías called the attention on the front and the material that exhibits the Dominican urban.

“It’s good for you, if you work hard and work for it, you will be applauded, but if you do not have this value for you to invest money in your career as you do with cars and take it, if you do not advance, if you do not eres international, not that you are blocking, eres you, the block is mental “.

+ Anuel y Ozuna niegan presionaran al Alfa

Anoche, in an interview with “Alofoke Radio Show”, Anuel and Ozuna minimized the confusing situation, saying that he has no problem with El Alfa or the Dominican artists, in addition to the fact that they did not fight the public one.

At first glance, the controversy does not exist as far as the artistic level is concerned, but it is encouraged by the fanatics.

“We will not allow anyone at Alfa to forgive or we will not allow any artist to forgive, we will not commit more than we will”, Ozuna says in “Alofoke”.

Anuel lo secundó: “Nosotros no mandamos a ningún influencer a decir nada … Si yo me comprre el Bugatti y postée una foto y El Alfa se lo compro, ¿vor qui me tengo que ofender?, ¿Si todo el género se compra a Bugatti yo me tengo que ofender? “.
