The accused of John Geddert, Sarah Klein, says she does not feel closure

When former gymnast Sarah Klein first learns that former Olympic Games coach John Geddert has been charged with human trafficking and sexual assault, she feels relieved.

Klein, who trained under Geddert for more than a decade, says the coach “physically, verbally, emotionally and psychologically abused” me from 1988, when she was eight. The announcement of criminal charges felt a “full circle moment” on Thursday, she said.

But a while later, when Geddert killed himself, Klein felt her.

“It’s devastating. It is traumatic, “she said in an interview on Friday. ‘But there is no greater admission of guilt than that John Geddert takes his own life. It was his last act of narcissistic control with which he lived his life and coached his gymnasts for decades. ”

“John Geddert has always been above the law and the rules have never applied to him,” she added, adding that she believed his final act was “intended to be an insult to his victims”.

Geddert, who lived in Michigan, is facing 24 charges that could lead to life in prison if convicted. He was due to appear in court in Eaton County near Lansing, but authorities said he was found in a resting place along Interstate 96.

“This is a tragic end to a tragic story for all involved,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said Thursday afternoon.

The office for Geddert’s lawyer did not want to comment on Friday.

The charges were the latest chapter in a sexual abuse scandal that has plagued American gymnastics and largely revolves around dr. Larry Nassar, the former sports doctor from Michigan State University who is serving up to 175 years in prison.

Geddert is associated with Nassar, who served as a doctor for the Olympic team and treated injured gymnasts in the former’s gym in the Lansing area.

Klein, 41, who says she was sexually assaulted by Nassar, said she had been waiting “a long time” for Geddert to face justice. “She said she believes Nassar and Geddert have enabled each other for years.

“There would not be a Larry Nassar without John Geddert, nor would there be a John Geddert without Larry Nassar,” said Klein, a Philadelphia attorney who represents survivors of sexual abuse.

Geddert denied that he was aware of Nasser’s abuse of athletes.

The news of Geddert’s suicide was weakening, she said.

“I do not feel close at all,” she said, and the experience seemed to feel like her legs had been cut off.

Sarah Klein as a young gymnast.Thanks to Sarah Klein

In the absence of a criminal trial for Geddert, Klein said he hoped American Gymnastics, the National Board of Gymnastics, and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), would be ‘held accountable’.

“What else needs to happen to us so they can say, ‘We’re going to be transparent. We’re going to be accountable, and the responsibility of what happened to you on our watch was ours and we let you down, ” Klein said.

In a statement after Geddert’s death, USA Gymnastics said: ‘We were hoping that the news of the criminal charges against John Geddert would lead to a fair trial through the legal process.

“With the news of his death by suicide, we share the feelings of shock, and we think of the gymnastics community as they wrestle with the intricate emotions of this week’s events.”

In a separate statement, USOPC CEO Sarah Hirshland said: ‘It is the voices of the survivors that matter most at this time. They still show courage and strength in the most difficult circumstances – even today’s events. ”

Geddert’s suicide also robbed investigators of a possible source of information about Nasser’s other institutions, said Dmitriy Shakhnevich, a lawyer in New York and professor of constitutional law at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

“As far as his utility in this case is concerned, his death is obviously a great loss,” Shakhnevich said. ‘It seems clear that Nasser was the big fish here and that people like (Geddert) played fewer roles. But you never know. He might be able to tell investigators more. ”

Shakhnevich said the gymnasts’ laser-like focus on becoming the best made them “perfect victims for people in power in that world.”

‘[The gymnasts] are forced to balance their goals and dreams with the right thing, ”he said. “It’s devastating.”

Klein described Geddert as “the worst person I could ever imagine.”

‘If I had a choice, I would choose the 17 years of almost daily sexual abuse by Larry Nassar as spending another day with John Geddert.

“In my opinion, and I believe in the views of many of Geddert’s gymnasts, what he did to us was much worse and more traumatic than having a mature man digitally penetrate you almost daily,” Klein said. said. “He broke us psychologically. He physically hurt us. He made us ashamed. He terrified and terrorized us in a way that would affect us for life. ‘

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 800-273-8255, text HOME to 741741 or visit for additional resources. The national 24-hour hotline for human trafficking is 1-888-373-7888. Authorities are urging those suspected of human trafficking to also contact local police.
