The accusations against Emma Coronel that will be shown in the juice of his episode ‘El Chapo’ | Unicision Narcotraphic News

Emma Coronel jugaba con su cabello, haciendo evidente su indiferencia cad vez que een agent del Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) mostraba en una corte federal de Nueva York las privacationes privavasas privaggeran participat de alguna manar en el negotiio elicito de su esposo, Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, who is in the middle of his mediocre juice to lead the powerful Cartel of Sinaloa for three decades. It was rumored that the governor of the United States was playing tennis at the end of this month, while Coronel was leaving. detained at the Dulles de Virginia airport charged with drug trafficking.

According to legal documents, Coronel is accused of conspiring to distribute cocaine, methane, heroin and marijuana for importing into the United States. The Justicia estadounidense also created that the plot of ‘El Chapo’ conspired with others to help Guzmán to win the Altiplano prison on July 11, 2015.

These accusations are very similar to the signals that the FBI presented in the juices of its victims.

At the moment, the FBI has revealed that it has received text messages that have infiltrated the communications of the Sinaloa Cartel, Coronel alerted ‘El Chapo’ about military presence in his area, le preguntaba por sus lugartenientes, tenia in his power an army of fugue to protect the disputants of their species, sup for a fugitive’s flee intention and also collaborate with their husbands fuesen the owners of a lodge.

She owns one of the blackberry-encrypted cells that Guzmán distributes among his societies, entertainers and lovers. The day system operates as the teen has planned for a while the FBI has taken a step towards Colombian technology that it installs and terminates with an agency.

“The cayeron in the house where ten things are happening, the federations of Mexico and if they live there”, is one of the text messages that Coronel Aispuro superstitiously sent to Guzmán in the principles of 2012, which will be judged on January 9, 2019.

“Acaban de matar a unos muchachos en la Guadalupe ¿No es gente de usted? “, it preguntaba ella in other written communication. “Nee, amor”, the drug addict replied.

Coronel también habría estado involucrada en la compra de a luxurious residence in the city of Los Cabos, in Baja California Sur, in the spring an operation was carried out to capture ‘El Chapo’ on February 22, 2012, was revealed in the juicio.

The idea was that the scripts of the property, valued at one million dollars, if you are an FBI agent, quedaran many false names of the yellow capes of the cape, both children in Los Angeles have years ago. A “licensed” aid in this process.

“In order for the ‘experience’ to be linked to the number that is to be registered,” Guzmán and Coronel explained.

On another occasion, preoccupied with a possible cat in the house where his wife was staying, she found the floor that had an army that had a special bed. “Métela al ‘clavo'”, Guzmán’s pidi a su esposa.

During this audience, the Fiscalia will show various communications between ‘El Chapo’ and Coronel. The drug trafficker is particularly accommodating.

“When we see some suspicious carts, we urge you to eat chickens,” Guzmán said.

Coronel and the second fugue of ‘El Chapo’

One of the pinched communications by the FBI shows that Emma’s father, Ines Coronel, for drug trafficking, used the same cell of his wife to communicate with his iron.

In one of their conversations about the drug route through the front. “It’s a good cross for ahí”, the dice Inés Coronel and Guzmán. “¿Quién les ayudará allá?, Preguntó ‘El Chapo’. “The people who were ‘Markitos'”, the respondent.

His patron and yerno also shared the suggestion that the camera on the radio, called the Blackberry works. “I do not comment on other people because migra (Patrulla Fronteriza) carreree (persiga) to other people, who are listening to all the radios. Tenga discrijon porque nadie lo está haciendo con blac (Blackberry) ”, dijo Guzmán.

One week after the unveiling of these private messages, Dámaso López Núñez, alias ‘El Licenciado’, one of Joaquín Guzmán’s leading artists, discriminated against Coronel in the fugue of ‘El Chapo’ from the prison of El Altiplano.

On the other hand, López Núñez is one of the main witnesses in the criminal proceedings against the subject of ‘El Chapo’.

Following its relationship with the Brooklyn court, it acts as a joint agent with Guzmán’s heirs, who will buy the land where the tunnel connects with the cell.

Also known as ‘El Licenciado’, the escape was coordinated by Coronel and four other men, who bought a piece of land adjacent to the penitentiary and donated the tunnel to the employees of the Guzmán cartel cartel in a motorcycle. “I will take care of our passages,” López said, referring to Coronel.

When ‘El Chapo’ was recently arrested through his prison skin, his wife was reunited with ‘El Licenciado’ by order of Guzmán, in order to prevent him from having to re-orchestrate another skin of El Altiplano.

López dijo that offers millions of dollars to a functionary, who does not accept it. Planeaban is buying another site to build a new tunnel to prepare for the escape. But everything was frustrating when Guzmán was transferred to a prison in Ciudad Juárez and Luego, in the year 2017, extradited to the United States.

Guzmán fue condenado a cadena perpetua hace poco más de un anoo. Coronel will not be allowed to visit the maximum security prison where he will be found.

