The 7 best shows the medio tiempo del Super Bowl

El Super Bowl despairs of passion of all NFL followers, but also deadlines for attracting the attention of people who do not follow this sport, are thank you show medio tiempo, the one that captures the reflectors because it can immortalize the presentation of the strings of the music; if well, some will be deceived, others will be converted to legends.

Michael Jackson | Super Bowl XXVII

Before the participation of Rey del Pop in 1993, the mid-season show had a free time, then the organizers included the intention to bring the ratings to the attention of the comedy, but it was an attractive little thing. When there is no salvation alone, read the talent of Jackson who revolutionized in 12 minutes only the form of enclosing the degrees, graces and five songs that have the fecha siguen cautivando a todo watel that disfruta.

Madonna | Super Bowl XLVI

If the Rey of Pop logs triumphantly in his presentation, he has no motive for the Reina not to stare at the altar. Madonna apostate to what suele dar in his conciertos, by this is the stage that is plagued by lures, bailiffs with choreographing and projection allocations, all while doing exciting things like “Vogue” and “Like a Prayer”.

Paul McCartney | Super Bowl XXXIX

Tenerate to a music legend do not want to make a memorable presentation, so be sure to McCartney that account with lights, projections and pirotecnia donde in the grades are listening to cantaban “Hey Dude” and “Live and Let Die”.

Rolling Stones | XL

The pop is the genre that has dominated the mid-term show for a long time, so it’s right up there with one of the most legendary rock banks, which has not been around for many other presentations, such as Suffering from NFL censorship of song lyrics.

Prince | Super Bowl XLI

Different from other actions, the 2007 edition without a large participation of bailarines or lights in the scenario, proves that as a result of a roundabout, without embarrassment, these degenerate deeds of graceful talent Prince, who accompanied his guitar, logró ganarse un lugar en el recuerdo del public.

Katty Perry | Super Bowl XLIX

The memes do not give way to the chanting lie of sacrificing some tiburones, but even more so than details, surpassing the expectations of a spectacle that converts to one of the most vistas of history and that presumes a display of opmerklik technology.

Lady Gaga | Super Bowl LI

Listen to what I hear about you voz mientras ella cantaba en las alturas Thank you for a pair of chords that will help you move through the recent, clear that it is a memorable show, a situation that is better with excites like “Poker Face” and “Just Dance”.

What is the Super Bowl LI Medio Time show?

For this edition, which will appear as the finalists in Buccaneers and Chiefs, the collection of the show of medio tiempo será Die naweek, which is compared to the company of other artists, although it has a number page like Daft Punk and has Maluma; fue el propio protagonist who descends any collaboration.
