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Xi’s push against Jack Ma creates new threat to China Tech

(Bloomberg) – Chinese technology companies have done well by convincing international investors that they are operating independently of the Communist Party. Jack Ma has now become a case study for the biggest skeptics of the businesses. Companies of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. to Tencent Holdings Ltd. spread billions across overseas acquisitions while developing programs and technologies that challenged Western competitors, with little or no state intervention. . But the pursuit of Beijing to Ma and its Ant Group Co. after criticizing regulators, probably plays directly into the hands of China’s biggest critics in Washington, who have long claimed that no Chinese technology giant or enterprise is beyond the reach of Xi Jinping. now the question of whether to ban investments in Alibaba and Tencent, according to people familiar with the matter, in what would be a dramatic blow to two of the companies whose shares are most owned by international investors. President Donald Trump already on Tuesday signed an executive order that includes transactions with eight Chinese software applications, including Ant’s Alipay and Tencent’s WeChat Pay, citing concerns that Beijing will have access to the data collected by the platforms. “I agree with President Trump’s commitment to protecting the privacy and security of Americans from threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party,” Trade Minister Wilbur Ross said in a statement. Beijing’s allegations could increase pressure on the incoming Joe Biden government through further action detrimental to China, although it is not clear how much Trump’s aggressive policy the president-elect will pursue. The party’s swing over business has become even clearer over the past twelve months as Xi strives to consolidate power ahead of next year’s major party congress, when he is expected to extend his government for at least another five years. Covid-19 only helped to strengthen its grip and launch a warlike campaign to get the economy back on track and to eradicate perceived threats to national security. “You have to be very careful about who ultimately controls the regulations, who controls the licensing – – who is responsible,” said Mark Natkin, managing director of Marbridge Consulting in Beijing. “And if you forget and start being too critical or play a role that normally belongs to the party, then you’ll go chop a little or two.” Beijing has gone on to fundamentally revamp Ma’s trillion- internet-rich since the breakdown of Ant’s $ 35 billion public offering in November, a record debut that would have been the entrepreneur’s crown achievement. Authorities then forced its online finance titan to limit loans and devise a plan to bring down its most profitable businesses. The government has also launched an investigation into alleged anti-competitive practices in Alibaba. The billionaire has not been seen in public since November, and his absence from the recent recording of an Afrikaans TV program he created has sparked speculation about his whereabouts. “There is a lot of power in the Chinese government’s infrastructure for economic and financial management, and if Ant defended the power, key people would see it as a step too far,” said Graham Webster, editor of the DigiChina project at the Stanford Cyber ​​Policy Center, said. But “the Chinese government is also rewarding these leading companies as drivers of technological independence. The party will have to face significant threats to break them down. ‘The action against Ma sends the latest signal that Beijing feels encouraged to venture into international depression due to measures to address domestic challenges. Xi has previously faced threats of US sanctions to impose comprehensive national security legislation on the former British colony of Hong Kong. Crushing Ant’s invitation dared to alienate a plethora of powerful global financiers from the sovereign wealth fund in Singapore to Carlyle. The US has also expressed concern over the Chinese government’s influence on the private industry over its efforts to buy ByteDance Ltd. forcing the US to sell part of its TikTok social network, fair network and the global campaign to persuade allies to swear off equipment manufactured by Huawei Technologies Co. Supporters of such actions often cite Chinese policies, such as a 2017 law requiring companies to ‘support, assist and cooperate’ intelligence agencies. also asserted its independence from the Chinese government and in a 2017 application to the US security regulator stated that it is ” a private sector and although a handful of Chinese state-owned or linked funds do not own minority interests, they do not management of the company does not participate. The party has long run private enterprises, including foreign enterprises operating in China. One way to do this is through the presence of party committees in companies, including technical enterprises, which consist of employees, and it sends officials to companies to oversee certain activities. Many technical leaders are also party members, including Ma, Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo, and Ren Zhengfei of Huawei. Tencent’s Pony Ma and Xiaomi Corp. Lei Jun’s are both delegates to the National People’s Congress. The party has also stepped in on several occasions to punish executives for mismanagement, including Wu Xiaohui of the Anbang Insurance Group, but recent attempts to exert government influence on companies. and to intervene in the business landscape has reached new levels. It provides fuel to the Chinese hawks in Washington, who claim that the party exerts too much influence on Chinese companies. Xi, for its part, needs business executives to achieve strategic goals, such as the economic plan for ‘double circulation’ aimed at domestic consumption and the development of safe supply chains and the dependence on foreign technology. While the second largest economy in the world first came from Covid-19, its recovery is showing a peak, although world growth remains sluggish and is hampering ties with the US. In a rare direct plea to the business sector in July, Xi called on executives, including those from the technology industry, to be patriotic and help the economic recovery after the pandemic. “Outstanding entrepreneurs must have a strong sense of mission and responsibility for the country, and the development of their businesses must be commensurate with the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people,” he said. Weeks later, the party revealed plans to tighten control over the country. the private sector by further expanding its United Front network operations to the business community. The policy will ‘strengthen ideological leadership’ and ‘create a core group of leaders in the private sector that can be relied on at critical times’, according to the guidelines at the time. ‘Under President Xi, the CCP has tightened its grip on technology enterprises. and doubling its techno-nationalist initiatives, ”researcher Alex Capri wrote in a recent report for the Hinrich Foundation. “Apart from the fact that party officials are placed in prominent companies, it continues to castrate senior corporate executives, where there is a perception that they are operating independently or becoming too influential.” (Updates with debate on Alibaba and Tencent banned from third paragraph)) For more articles like this, please visit us at Sign up now to stay ahead of the most trusted business news source. © 2021 Bloomberg LP
