The 10 trabajo’s with greater demand in the economies of Latin America, LinkedIn LinkedIn

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Pese a la crisis, no todas son malas noticias.

Although the example in Latin America exceeded 10% in 2020 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, some workers are experimenting with an increase in demand.

Asia, health and technology are being converted into the two sectors with mayor’s need for workers in 2020 in relation to the previous year.

And although some countries have their own specifics, there are some general trends that mark the evolution of the labor market in the region.

The employees in the technology sector, who are showing a rising demand, will have a huge jump in 2020 as a result of the improvements and transformations that he has been forced to carry out in order to facilitate the remote work.

“With the pandemic accelerating the digital transformation of businesses. Many companies are hiccuping in six months cambios that podrían haber tomado años‘, reads a BBC Mundo Ramiro Luz, director of Soluciones de Talento for LinkedIn Hispanoamérica.

Intensive care

The health care crisis, nurses, doctors and other professionals and technicians in the health care sector have been the most sought after.

“El nurses specialized in intensive care “It’s the most critical and most demanded job in all the places,” Luz explained.

“The hospital specializes in intensive care because of the most critical and most demanded workload in all areas,” said Ramste Luz. GETTY IMAGES

In this context, the country of the region experimenting with the mayor demands this type of professional fue Brazil.

But also, in the mayor’s economy of the region, the demand for professionals in the research and development sector (I + D), as pharmaceuticals and biochemicals, a new element that marks a difference with respect to the laboratory requirements of other Latin American countries.

The surprise of the wealthy goods and electronic commerce

Off Mexico, the region’s second largest economy, appeared in 2020 an unspecified element within the labor market.

“What we have been calling attention to is that in Mexico there is a high demand for high-end professionals,” Luz said.

Although the real estate sector received a strong blow to the coronavirus crisis, paradoxically, the need for a rapid adaptation of the model of sale and sale of properties was created.

For a lad, “many corporate spaces quedaron vacantes”, according to the expert. However, it is also clear that with the reduction in interest rates and the price of the houses, the demand for workers in the sector will fall 54% with respect to 2019.

Another phenomenon surpassed in 2020 is the transfer of workers from the bank or the retail hacia el e-commerce.

For example, employees who work as employees are transferred to employees in logistics centers the promotion that is fundamental to the business online.

Many low-migration jobseekers from the physical trends have online logistics business centers. GETTY IMAGES

Without a specific order and considering that each country has its own labor requirements, these are, according to Ramiro Luz, some of the most demanding employees in the Latin American economies:

1- Front-end and back-end web developer

There are a host of software developers with types of specialists: those who work in the “front-end” and those who work in the “back-end”.

The first ones are the part of the software that interacts directly with the users, while the others process the information.

These developers are required programmers informatics. These are the encoding of the “coding”, that is to say, write instructions in an informational language that the computer can learn to perform tasks like, for example, the stock control in an almanac or the sales register.

Although the need for developers and programmers is a trend in recent years, the pandemic has raised more than the supply of jobs in this camp. GETTY IMAGES

Experts say that in one more year, women who do not know programming languages ​​in undeveloped countries, can ascend professionally, and there will be a skill required as soon as they learn to write.

Other jobs with much demand son el specialist in SAP (business application software), which helps to improve all business processes, and cloud IT specialists in the cloud.

2-Date Engineer

The data engineers are the ones responsible for finding trends in data conjunctions ydesarrollar algorithms to help the information be processed using the company.

This profession requires a deep knowledge of design databases and multiple programming languages.

It is a type of work that is in the middle between application developers and data scientists.

Other professionals highly required in the computer industry are their validation analysts, automated learning engineers and data architects.


Ante the health crisis provoked by the coronavirus pandemic, the employee with mayor demand in the region is the intensive care nurse intensive care.

Without embarrassment, the demand for medicines and all types of health workers are exponentially lowered.

However, prognostic measures for the control of the pandemic include the massive evacuation processes, the phenomenon of the demand for this type of professionals and technicians and a tendency that has accelerated over the last few years.

With the pandemic resolved the need for sanitary workers, including those who specialize in mental health. GETTY IMAGES

And those countries that are experimenting with a pulsating process of enlightenment of the population, will be required in the future with more health workers.

In the midst of the confinements, it also created the need for mental health professionals, including psychiatrists and psychologists.

4-Staff of health care

The previous one was the need to meet with nursing auxiliaries, which aids patients in their processes of limping, care, nutrition, administration of medicines and general assistance.

We also need more professionals who specialize in rehabilitation, physical therapy and respiratory care, and people trained in the care of adult adults.

5-Expert and digital marketing

As bargainers are obliged to accelerate their digital transformation, they will also create jobs for those responsible for the strategies of marketing of social reasons, providing digital marketing, specialist and market position and marketing.

As every day more companies are closing the physical trends and expanding their online operations, the demand for digital marketing experts is accelerating. GETTY IMAGES

6- Director of the coordinator of the comercio electrónico

Electronic commerce has given an impetus to the labor market in the region.

The labor camp is very extensive because it includes computer specialists who have people who carry out functions in the distribution and distribution centers of the products.

The director or coordinator of e-commerce, more known as “e-commerce manager“, is responsible for managing an e-commerce project and entending and controlling the sales process online de principio a fin.

“With the pandemic accelerating the digital transformation of businesses. GETTY BEELDE

Depending on the country, the numbers of this post vary, although it is basically taken from the figure of manage the business online.

In relation to e-commerce, other employees who prospered are the distributors, assistants to the sales team and managers of the maintenance team, in addition to profiles linked to logistics and transport.

7- Representative of the service

With the rapid digitalisation of businesses also increased the demand of all the roles associated with customer attention, as the representative of the company that responds to the requirements of consumers, in addition to the supervisors and managers of the team that it works .

Suelen are the people who work in the denominations “call centers“.

8-Generator of digital content

El puesto de generador de contenidos digitales contains a person like one of the new creative services as editors, animators, illustrators, artists as 3D and edit the videos.

The generation of digital content has met the demand. GETTY IMAGES

9-Specialist in business development

A specialist development developer or expert negotiation developer who is professionally trained to identify new opportunities for a company to manage a job from its start.

It has the responsibility to investigate and create new projects, manage the necessary resources for its implementation and keep the initiatives in practice.

It’s just like a specialist in general business development Specific analytical models for a company.

10-Real Estate Agent

This work is experimenting with an increase specifically in Mexico.

In Mexico, the increase in labor costs in the real estate sector during 2020 will increase. GETTY IMAGES

This has generated employment opportunities for the role of real estate agent, property manager the real estate adviser.


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