Thalía posa en traje de baño y seguidores la comparan con Chiquis Rivera

Thalia sent a message of empowerment to women, through his social speeches, accompanied by photos he impacted on his followers by the drastic physical cambio on his road and roads.

With the phrase “Women are married and their body is hurting”, the singer shared a reflection on her Instagram account while asking for the labels that the company has been trying to get women to date.

“Women are doubled and seized by their body, intellect and power. The female is all in a single body, in which the universe contains the same amount of unlimited constellations. I am in favor of corting the labels that we have shared for years with the tigers of freedom and respect, ”he points out.

It is also common for women to be free to do many things, between them, to contain the provocateur or the religious in his speeches, unless he is judging them.

“I am a lady, a mother, a wife, a businessman, a CEO respected by my companies and I am a singer who can interpret interpretations of love and disgrace, as well as songs of sexy and provocative content. I can interpret the songs for my children as my mother, as I can sing alabanzas de agradecimiento a Dios ”, she says.

It also seems that as an influencer it has the right to exclude sexual content in its social speeches.

“Soy-influencer of social speeches and the same mode can include a totally provocative and sexual photo as a photo with me married and married. A thing not to mention the other. All coexist in an experience called female ”, he says.

The message of the song was accompanied by two photographs in the course of bathing, which the opacaron, debid and that there is a notion of a very drastic physical change, as the increase in volume of the labs and piers.

Some of his followers say that he performed a plastic surgery that was not necessary, other critics strongly believe that he is also an actress, that he has a great deal of oath, that he wants to feel like the Kardashians and confuse him.


  • Thalia
  • Cantante
  • Mexicana
  • Chiquis Rivera
  • Cuerpo
  • Photos
  • Followers
  • Instagram
  • Bikini
