Thalia: make sure that you pay attention to Laura Zapata’s limited resources

The law of accusation and logarithm closes the asylum by supuesto maltrato a la abuelita de Thalía, one of the nurses who can handle the silence and accusa a Laura Zapata de limitarles los recursos con los que la cuidaban a diario. Jessica Martínez made sure that the telenovelas actress only proportioned a diary panel for her abuita, to make sure she had urinary incontinence.

Through an interview with the media of communication, the nurse Cargo Eva Donge will have to wait until as part of the responsibility of the impressionists left ten to see with their staples, directly accusing Laura Zapata of limiting the recourse to be able to wait until the age of 103 as it is due. Thuelía’s employer presented to some of the heirs who were in control, allegedly causing negligence on the part of the Le Grand asylum.

And it’s just past 17, so much so. Laura Zapata, como Thalia, denouncing the work of social speeches that he abuelita, that this day completes 103 years, was discovered by Laura with 9 scars in his body of great consideration, that the superstar superstar of pain day and day. The actress did not hesitate to accuse him of stalking adult adults because he had been abused and abused al no attender adequately until the time of his problem, and in addition, ocultarselo to the family.

Through its Twitter account, the villain of the telenovela evidence mediating photographs deep hereditary grafts and apparently infected with necrosis, which Doña Eva presents in the coxis and in other parts of the body.

Laura Zapata hizo alldo a movement in social speeches to demand the authorities that tomaran cards in the asunto, and finally logró that inspects the place and lousuraran. Without embarrassment, in social speeches, she, like Thalía, has received a series of attacks from internet users, who have complained that they are the same people who have been abused in their homes, endowed with the services of the nursing staff for whom at the same time, and at the same time the quality of life together with his family, adding that “he has much money to make”.

Aunado a eso, ahora Jessica Martínez, infermera de Le Grand que también attendía a su abuelita accuses Laura Zapata of limiting in the middle the resources required to take care of the senior, in addition to that, supuestamente, no contestaba posted messages on time, ni siquiera cuando le decían que Doña Eva quería hablar con ella.

“Whoever accepts the part of the culprit that is in it. A diary panel, with urinary incontinence, no powder that is possible. Foods alone are what the Le Grand Daba, (Laura Zapata) the mandala galletas, the mandaba one details, but as tal, alimentos no (the enviaba) ”, manifesto.

“A few days ago I was tempted to contest a message, I have times that it is mandated in the month and I have it contested later. If there are times when they want to talk to her on the phone, sometimes she is a marker, other times she has a very late market, she has a nightmare Eva and she does not want to talk to her because she is very sad .

Cabe reveals that Jessica Martinez will make sure she there is no such thing as a malpractice to Laura Zapata on the part, because she has a lot of restrictions on her part, although it only follows its orders.

Laura Zapata defends

For its part, mediating a interview, Laura Zapata denounces that the life of her abusive abuser in the hands of the staff of the station where she met, and ensures that she observes the conditions under which Eva is found, while she encounters in full Islam and submits to the necessary tests and protocols to be able to enter and leave with her companions.

Aseguró que is the hizo suspects that the nurse who is in his cargo the adviser who has ten years ago by a familiar assistant, just when the iria went to his abuela, by which he paid his attention to the staff of the place that revised his abuita that he did not kill mortars or malts, and as such he presumably enters the escarpments.

Through the charges of the nurse, Laura Zapata manifests itself in its social speeches, and shares with its followers the official document of the General Tax Office of the State of Mexico in connection with the inspection carried out in the case hogar for adult adults, where it is established that the determination to close the place where “A huge threat was detected for the livelihood of the residents of the site, as well as hygienic-sanitary conditions not optimal, for which the corresponding cells will be housed”.

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