Texas Mayor Stops and Calls Residents ‘Lazy’ Amid Power Outages

According to a report, a Texas mayor has resigned over controversial posts on social media that his voters call lazy because they complain about power outages.

According to KTXS-TV, Tom Boyd, mayor of the city of Colorado, resigned on Tuesday hours after he had a setback for his long Facebook outburst.

“No one owes you or your family anything; Nor is it the responsibility of local governments to support you during difficult times like these! Sink or swim, it’s your choice! He wrote. “The city and province, along with power providers or any other service, owe YOU NOTHING!”

“If you do not have water, think outside the box to survive and give water to your family,” he added. “If you sat in the cold at home because you did not have the strength and sat there waiting for someone to come and save you, because your laziness is a direct result of your upbringing!”

‘I’m sorry you had to do without electricity and water; yes! But I would be damned if I wanted to provide someone who is capable of doing it themselves! Boyd continues in the post. ‘Finally, stop crying and look for a handout! Climb out of your hole and take care of your own family! ”

Later, in a separate post, Boyd apologized, saying he had ended his term as mayor and that he would not be re-elected.

“I will never hurt the elderly or anyone who really needs help to take care of themselves,” the former mayor wrote. ‘I just made the statement that people who are too lazy to get up and get themselves ready, but are capable, should not get a hand out. I apologize for the wording and of the phrases used! ”

Texas is grappling with a bitter winter explosion that has left millions of residents in the Lone Star State powerless.
