Texas levanta hoy la orden de uso de mascarillas: lo que sabemos

(CNN) – Aside from these tricks, Texans do not have the state mandate to use mascarillas in public, but do not hesitate to dislike their facial expressions.

Last week, Gov. Greg Abbott announced that it would release restrictions aimed at detecting covid-19 propaganda. This includes the elimination of the order to use mascara and allows all 100% recovery companies, while coronavirus active cases and hospitalizations are reduced to monthly levels.

“Texan leavers have been sidelined by job opportunities. Small business owners are fired and paid to pay their bills. This term must be completed. Now is the time to open Texas to 100% », dijo.

Critics of the decision that he was fired soon, that only a small percentage of the population of the state is vacant, less than 7% at the moment, and the aggressive propagation of variants of the virus can lead to another explosion of cases.

Various of the state’s principal states, including the capital, Austin, as well as various condos and companies he says will require the use of mascarillas when fulfilling Abbott’s mandate.

This is what we know about the status of the Solitaire Star in the midst of the mandate of using mascarillas in the future.

Some products and companies will require the use of mascara

The Austin Medical Director, dr. Mark Escott, announced on Tuesday that the mascarillas will be required in the city when the state mandate is in place.

“In Austin, we’re compromised to save lives, period,” said Councilor Greg Casar. “If the state officials do not want to do their job to protect the people of the virus, we will be ours.”

The Austin City Council has approved an ordinance passed this year that allows the health authority to establish public health mandates and the state of Texas allows the cities to create their own health regulations, says Tara Pohlmeyer, director of communications at Casar.

The mandate for the use of mascarillas in the city and other rules of permanent health will last until April 15, when you can go outside.

Other cities he said used only mascarillas in the properties and installations of the city, between Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and El Paso.

“The dead animal is infecting and killing the mouse because of the virus,” said Sylvester Turner of Houston. “Currently, the Houston City Citizenship Rate is 13.1% higher than last week. Asi que, en lugar de bajar, vuelve a subir ».

And smaller stores, supermarket companies, car manufacturers and manufacturers, such as Target, Kroger, CVS, Walgreens, Best Buy, Macy’s, JCPenney, Toyota, GM and others, say that employees like customers need to follow in their footsteps. tents and installations.

On top of that, there are demanding mascarillas in Texas federal facilities, such as President Joe Biden’s mandatory entry, as well as public transportation.

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Planned celebrations and masquerade parties

Including the abolition of the mandate of mascara users, Abbott urged residents to “continue owning practices that ensure that everyone can work with Texas and continue to lead the United States in economic crime.”

It is possible that some will lose this message.

The members of a conservative group plan to reunite the nightclubs at night to celebrate the first day of the rehearsal with a hug and the option that the assistants come with masks on the llamas, says event organizer Benji Gershon, president of the Conserv group Judios of Dallas.

The event, which will take place at a private residence in the suburb of Parker in Dallas, will feature live music, prayers and conservatories, including Shelley Luther, the dowry of a Dallas beauty salon that will be converted into a icon conservator has been able to pass the first step in the sentence to negate his negotiation during the confinement.

The event is not an “anti-mascara” event, according to Gershon, who said he had lost relatives and friends to covid-19. It’s done to «celebrate the heck of what we can take decisions by our own. Geen tenemos que depender del gobierno para tomar nuestras propias besissings », dijo.

“If you want to get rid of the grills of the goblins and deciles, listen, you can make my own decisions for me”, dijo. “It is not necessary for the governor to say that we will live our lives.”

Part of the masquerade theme is a “purely symbolic” gesture to celebrate personal freedom, dijo. The organizers plan to keep a moment of silence to record those who murmur, dijo.

Stay tuned for the night, about 300 registered guests to assist, says Gershon.

The Dallas Jewish Conservatives associate with other conservative groups in the area to organize the event, dijo.

In Houston, a “no masks” party planned for Wednesday night at the Concrete Cowboy bar has been canceled, said Turner Alcalde.

It is not uncommon for civilian leaders to hold a press conference at home to stare at a bar where no one is adamant.

Turner read an e-mail from the landlord that said: “Only our intention is to organize a party in which only customers will use mascara”.

“We will always greet the health and safety of the gangs”, says the e-mail, says Turner, and “only we will cancel the party, so that we will also open Concrete Cowboy on Wednesday night, to avoid any exposure to 19 ».

CNN has been communicating with the store on several occasions in a search for comments about its plans for Wednesday night shows, but has not received a response.

Turner recognizes that when the mandate of mascara is used, the companies are faced with a difficult decision.

“The order that the governor emits the person in a bad situation is due to them having the responsibility to intend, be able to decide, watch and protect their customers and invite them to fight the virus,” said Turner. “They are in a very difficult and difficult situation,” he said.

Keith Allen, Deanna Hackney and Ashley Killough of CNN all contribute important information.
