Texas Governor Announces Eliminating Order on Mascarilla Use to Release Covid-19 | News Univision United States

The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, revoked this March’s order on the use of mascarillas and levating all restrictions on the operation of restaurants and bars that have been taxed to prevent covid-19 propaganda.

“It’s time to get Texas back to 100%”, dijo in an allocation from Lubbock, one of the condoms in which the creation is more rapid at the time they are hospitalized. A total of 48,160 cases were counted in the state and 765 deaths.

“I also agree with the mandate regarding the use of mascara throughout the state”, wrote on his Twitter account to reiterate that “all” —and sustained mayuses — have been reacted.

Before making the announcement, the governor announced in his Twitter account that the hospitalizations by covid-19 were at his lowest level since he had two months and with a record of more than 216,000 people evacuated in one day.

Without embargo, Texas follows the second state with mayor number of contagios, 2,662,020, only despot of California, which surpasses by more than a million. And in deaths is the third, with 43,939 casualties, only after California in New York.

Abbott has ordered the use of mascarillas in public places in July 2020 while increasing the number of cases. The governor gave this March the Order challenging the recommendations of experts like Anthony Fauci, who announced that the use of the mascara could be a medium that lasts until 2022.

He also said at the time that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) insisted that even if he had vacancies, the people would have to use the mascara, then they could be countered. The CDC also insists that it respects the social distance and avoids meetings of a large number of people.

