Texas and Biden’s governor get angry over covid-19 trials

(CNN) – The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, is blocking the efforts of the Biden Governor to serve as an objective to propose federal funds to covid-19s to the immigrants who are custodians, say CNN a Security Officer.

When it comes to releasing state restrictions on covid-19 this week, Abbott alleges, without evidence, that migrants entering Texas are exposed to coronavirus residents.

“The Biden administration released immigrants in Texas who were exposed to teenagers,” said Abbott, a Republican, in an interview with CNBC Jueves.

However, the Department of National Security (DHS, by its seal in English) has forwarded its proposals to the Governor’s Office for planning assistance to the cities and states and to the covid-19 propaganda, according to the official.

Biden’s Gobierno plans to covid-19 testify to Texas immigrants

The DHS has plans to launch plans to utilize Federal Agency funds for the Emergency Management Agency with the aim of supporting the work to be attempted, aislar and quarantine if the liberated immigrants from the Patrulij d custodia are needed. the CNN employee. Without embarrassment, the state must approve the use of the grant money before it can be distributed to the frontier communities. CNN has an information anteriorment that is set up to power planes to use FEMA funds to help localities acquire tests.

“Frontier security is a federal strict liability. The federal governor is the only one who has the responsibility to make ends meet, examine and quarantine the illegal immigrants who cross our front and who can covet ten, ”Abbott said in a statement. “In order to make it work, the Biden administration suggests that there are no sufficient resources and, notably, a trust in Texas that will help provide assistance in its illegal immigration program.” Texas se negó ».

Texas Levanta Restrictions by covid-19

Abbott announced the March that mandates the mandatory use of mascara masks in Texas, including when health officials announce that no restrictions will be lifted. The governor announced that all deals would be 100% operational by March 10.

Texas and Mississippi are subject to mandatory cubrebocas 1:24

When the question arises about the efforts of the federal governor to try to get rid of covid-19 and the immigrants, the secret secretary of the White House, Jen Psaki, said: “In general, our government and our politics work with local governors , work with the NGOs to ensure (…) that these migrants are being tested. And so you can take care of yourself and help yourself to Islam, quarantine and medical attention in case you need it ».

In a statement sent to CNN on Wednesday, a DHS spokesman said the department was working with local public and Texas public health officials to propose covid-19 tests and agreed with federal law firms related to federal the proofs, the Islam and the quarantine.

“We hope that Governor Abbott will reconsider his decision to reinstate the DHS agreement with the Texas local authorities that will allow the migrant families that Governor Abbott knows what to do,” the spokesman said.

The situation on the front

The Biden administration is based in the midst of a Trump-era policy on the frontier between the United States and Mexico in order to reach the majority of migrants who meet the Frontier Patrol. Without embargo, Mexico has to accept that some families are forced to flee to this country. This change, along with the social distance in the detention centers, has meant that there is a lack of space for migrants. This, in turn, obliges the officers of the Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection (CBP, by its English seal) to release families in the United States.

The agency said in a statement that staff verified if there were covid-19 sessions and consulted with the medical staff at the location, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, by its seal in English) or the systems de salud locales, según corresponda ».

In McAllen, Texas, civil servants applied to state officials for miles of covid-19 tests yet again to find out that the CBP was not working with migrants. Catholic charity administration las pruebas. If immigrants are positive, the organization will help those who live in a local hotel.


The Texas Emergency Management Division told CNN that juveniles receiving and awaiting covid-19 testimonials by local frontline community officials. “Since the end of January, the state has proportioned 40,000 covid-19 trials in Brownsville, McAllen, Laredo and Del Rio to make up for the trials that the federal government does not have,” said Seth W. Christensen, chief media and communications from the agency, in a communication.

Brownsville’s Alcalde, Juan “Trey” Mendez III, said the youths numbered 108 migrants out of a total of about 1,700 positive animals by covid-19 in the city. Oorweeg que this figure is not alarming, pesar the critics of the state officials. Suppose Brownsville receives 10,000 samples of the Texas Emergency Response Division. De ese total, la ciudad ha administrado alrededor van 2.000.

“We have a bag of positivity of a little over 6%,” said Mendez, adding that this number is at par with what is available throughout the state.

In addition, the frontier security found about 7,500 families on the frontier between the United States and Mexico, according to the agency’s most recent monthly data. It is hoped that this number will increase, which will take precedence over the resources.

To amplify the capacity, the agency opened a semi-permanent installation in Donna, Texas, and this is the construction of Eagle Pass, Texas. In addition, it is considered to install other installations of this type, although the applications have no definite side, as a high-ranking official of DHS. También is also supporting additional agents of the Patrulla Fronteriza to assist in the process.

Ashley Killough and Jamiel Lynch of CNN contribute to an informed person.
