Texans insist on not joining Deshaun Watson

The team continues the reorganization, although it is not well between the players

Loose Houston Texans continuously decommissioning teams that have not been able to travel to Deshaun Watson, informaron fuentes de la liga a ESPN, while continuing the frenzy between the team and the marshal of the Franco camp.

Watson todavía wanted to sell in Houston and asked the Texans to change, according to the informants. But the importers, who are known to be recruited, the Texans insist they do not change.

Others NFL teams have received this message and now hope to see the Texans change their posture.

While continuing the speculation respecting Watson, the Texans are advancing in the organizational changes. Last week, Kevin Krajcovic, the managing director, joined Mike Parson’s team manager and his staff for a long time, Doug West.

It is said that Parson has a close relationship with Watson, and these changes are not well known to the players.

“Mike Parson and his team are his incredible personalities who will thrive on everything and help each other play in the locker every day,” defended JJ Watt.

A player commented privately on ESPN than the Texans are eliminating employees who were not signed by executive vice president Jack Easterby and the new general manager Nick Caserio, replace employees with employees who are in debt to them for their work.

I do not hope that these changes will help to improve Watson’s situation.

Deshaun, which has a contract extension for four years and 156 million dollars in September, has a contract contracted by 2025. Does not have a cane clause, by virtue of the duration of its contract and the possibility of labeling as a franchisee for three years, the Texans could opt for no canjearlo and tendrian control of their rights until the time 2028.

Cambio’s solicitation was produced despite Watson not being satisfied with the team’s process to sign Caserio’s principles of the year.
