TESTIGO DEL TIEMPO – La decisión de Pence

JC Malone

New York.-The accidental electoral process is scheduled to end this week.

The fifth martyrs, in the elections of the second world, elected senators of Georgia, the Democrats needed both to control the Senate, the Republicans only need to win one.

The Weddings of the Congress will meet and ratify the electoral votes to officially proclaim the President-elect.

Speaking to wholesalers, tensions have spread over President Donald Trump on Twitter, “Never mind. Los veré a todos en DC el seis de enero ”.

Vice President Mike Pence will preside over Congress, some of the legislators loyal to Trump will be able to vote on electoral votes for, right and wrong, cancel the elections. Pence has two options: cancel the elections to “save democracy”; to legitimize the “fraud” that has been denounced.

The high schools will decide the future of state democracy and will all depend on Pence’s decision.
