Tesla: Investors Who Hiccup Rice Thank You to Elon Musk’s Business

  • Justin Harper
  • Negotiations Correspondent, BBC News

Pie de foto,

The shares of Elon Musk’s electric car company have increased by more than 700% during 2020.

Increasing the price of Tesla’s actions this year has created a new risk club, autodenominated “Teslanaires”, a game of words with the number of companies and “billionaires”, which in Spain refer to the multimillionaires.

The shares of Elon Musk’s electric car company have increased by more than 700% during 2020, converting into the world’s most valued automotive company.

But there was a rush of money for the inverse investors in the large space that pusieron his diner in the company, debit the alzas and caidas that the actions he experimented with since the company entered the market of values ​​a decade.

For those who log resist volatility, ha sido un viaje hacia la riqueza.
