Tesla gets perfect equality rating for LGBTQ workers for the 6th year in a row

The Human Rights Campaign for Corporate Equality ranked Tesla as one of the best workplaces for LGBTQ equality in 2021. The award was placed on the HRC’s recently published Corporate Equality Index 2021, which provides jobs on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality judge.

The announcement was shared on Tesla’s LinkedIn page, where the electric car maker noted that it is proud to have achieved the perfect 100% score in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index for six consecutive years.

As noted by the Human Rights Campaign, the criteria for the 2021 Corporate Equality Index include four criteria: workforce protection (30 marks); Inclusive benefits (30 marks), support for an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility (40 marks), and responsible citizenship (-25 marks for records of anti-LGBTQ practices).

A closer look at each criterion shows a focus on dedicated programs that ensure employees of all genders and sexual orientations are treated equally. In the criteria for the protection of employees, companies are judged, for example, on the basis of the presence of policies that include sexual orientation and gender identity or expression for all activities. In the criteria for inclusive benefits, companies are rated on the basis of whether the benefits for medical and soft benefits are equal among all genders and sexual orientations.

Supporting an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility requires businesses to implement a number of in-house LGBTQ training and education programs, as well as community-based efforts. Contractors and suppliers must also not be discriminated against on the basis of their gender identity and / or sexual preference.

Elon Musk’s Disregard for the Aesthetics of Pronouns aside, Tesla’s equality programs have met the standards set by the Human Rights Campaign, enabling the electric car manufacturer to establish its position as one of the best workplaces in the United States for to maintain the LGBTQ community. This is very remarkable for an American manufacturer, as veteran manufacturers such as Ford Motor Co. scored only 80 points and General Motors scored 90 points in this year’s corporate equity index. Even Berkshire Hathaway, a firm run by one of the world’s most valued philanthropists, scored 20 points.

The full results of the 2021 Corporate Equality Index can be seen below.

Cei 2021 final by Maria Merano on Scribd

Tesla gets perfect equality rating for LGBTQ workers for the 6th year in a row
