Tesla car horns can now sound like a goat or a goat

Beware when walking.  It can now tear at you or worse, in my humble opinion, goat yelling at you.

Beware when walking. It can now tear at you or worse, in my humble opinion, goat yelling at you.
Photo: Spencer Platt (Getty Images)

I now know when it is likely that I will have a heart attack. It will be when I unsuspectingly walk on the sidewalk and honk a Tesla with the most terrifying sound I have heard in weeks: a blaring goat. Now I looked up videos of other bucks blaring, and they do not scare me. In fact, they are quite cute. But the Tesla goat sounds like it’s blaring, and it’s very disturbing.

The bleat is part of the company’s software update that allows users to use a new “Boombox” mode to, among other things, change the sound of their horns to sounds such as showy, polite, applause, tada, goat or La Cucaracha “. But if Tesla owners do not like one of these options, they can also upload up to five custom sounds via a USB. In addition to changing the sound of the horn, Boombox actually does what its name says: it locks the car into a boombox when parked and allows users to play songs on the car’s external speakers.

According to the release notes of the software update, which is explained in detail by the people Teslarati, Boombox can also be used in other cases.

‘Turn your car into a boombox and entertain a crowd with your media player as you park. You can also adjust the sound that your car makes if you press the horn, drive the car or if your car moves with Summon, ”read the notes. “Select an option from the menu or insert your own USB device and save up to five custom sounds.”

You can watch some of the sounds in the video below Tesla owners online. The bleating scream is there.

However, not all Teslas will be able to use the feature at least for now. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who does not like this kind of features so surprisingly, said on Twitter that only cars with external speakers for pedestrians will get the Boombox mode. All Tesla cars manufactured after September 1, 2019 have installed these speakers to comply with the rules set by the National Traffic Safety Administration, which requires electric and hybrid cars to emit a noise of 30 km / h (30 km / h) to protect pedestrians.

Tesla’s holiday update also included additional improvements to the car’s other tearing function: Emission test mode. With this feature, users can play a variety of fart sounds from different seats in the car, as well as to replace the flashing light for a fart. The company’s new update allows owners to use the Emission Test Mode outside the carto have it shot through the external speakers of the car at any time.

Unfortunately, the debut of new fart features for only some of your customers seems to leave others yearning for the ability to fart. Case in point: The Tesla owners of Silicon Valley Club asked Musk on Twitter if owners with older models without external speakers could have it installed to use Boombox.

“We definitely need it. I want to joke about people passing by, “said the club. tweeted at Musk, who said he would cheque about whether it was possible.

A friendly reminder that all people have this ability, but I get the impression that it should be much better in a car.
