Terror! Ingrid Martz will have a cachet in Telenovela on the cover of MANDIBULA, now “medio chueco”

La Mexican actress Ingrid Martz entry into the Laboratory risk statistics, we still have the idea that the actors “solo deben lucir bien a la cámara” ellos también arriesgan su integridad en inclus su su salud, come in the case of Martz who caused a lesion in the grab set now has one severa mandibular lesion.

Currently Ingrid Martz has not participated in any telenovela or film; probe ban has its own YouTube channel in which he shares advice for mothers and fathers of little ones or recently born.

A lesson generated from the 90’s

Según reveló la revista Mense The accident of Ingrid Martz was recorded during the grabs of the telenovela “Preciosa”, a television production that launched the chic panty in the finals of the decade of the 90s.

“Many people ask me if they have any facial paralysis or any problem in the front because you have a medium, or if I want to have a little one when I have a load (the load) and the reason for this is by a cachet that me dieron in the first telenovela que hice “, verklaar Ingrid in a recent live broadcast on YouTube.

Ingrid considers going to surgery

Ingrid detailed that the “tremendous cachetadon” that was received as part of the scene that was provoked that the “zafó la mandíbula”, lo que le day important secuelas que la aquejan hasta dia. It is considered embarrassing that the molesters did not go down without a medical intervention to regulate the problem with their rostrum, despite the pandemic calms down; seguna ella “es muy probable” que la tengan que operar.

“It’s not exactly what’s happening, but from time to time they have been cheating, and some of them are starting to hear that the boca can be opened, or if they are close to closing, how to reunite and become open”, the actress said.
