Tension! Marca “Basteri” was a Luis Miguel de su hermano

When every parish is well, a controversial force has made a lie by appearing the singer Luis Miguel, reproaching an action of his husband, Alejandro, all referring to the theme of the new brand that the second heiress Luis Rey and Marcela emprendió “Basteri“Is there now a mother of both motives for a distance?

On the other hand, he was shocked to discover that the relationship between the Gallego-Basteri was severed, following the transcendence, Luis Miguel no estaría muy contento con la nueva marca que su hermano menor registro, para la cual usaría el apellido de su madre, elunico del que hasta hoy ha ha dado a conocer.

El propio Alejandro, hermano del llamado “Sol de México“register” Basteri “, the number of a new fashion brand with which it launches a line of ropes and closets, without embarrassment, transcendence, it has generated discordia between the most powerful houses of past matrimony specifically by the actions that the artist performs .

Following a well-known national circulation review in Mexico, it was announced that this notice was not taken by “Luismi“Whoever wanted to enter was killed by his mother’s name, Marcela.

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In agreement with the publication, the “Sol” was molested with “Alex”, his son, by not informing about the plans that tenia to enter into a deal using the appeal of the mother and ex-wife of f! Nado “Luisito Rey”.

This is what provokes a conflict, now it is, the interpretation of “For guns, sir“, is completely at a distance from the only trust with the most convincing.

In addition, although the notice has been issued a few weeks ago, in 2018, when the “Micky” herman compiles the register of the number of his mother before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, on the other hand, the manner of manners personal and see the same who pays for it.

With this action, it is allowed that the number of the mother of “astro de la música“, is used in dissemination articles and media of general communication, without embarrassment, Luis Miguel describes the other planes of Alejandro.

Además, no todo paro ahí ya que esto causaría tanto conflicts between los hermanos que el artist de origent puertorriqueño habría pedido a su hermano que retirara registros de frasen como “Te odio Luisito Rey” y “Coño Micky”, para evitar su uso indebido y his relationship with the series that retracted the life of the celebrity cantante.

During the first month of the program “Pati Chapoy”, “Ventaneando”, I had to send the notice that Alejandro works in a brand with the appeal of his mother who has the goal of objectively commercializing a line of clothing and clothing so much for men and women.

Much has been attributed, this surgery idea lies as it is suspected, Marcela Basteri was an excellent costume designer, including the Parisian, had the power to be a fashion designer and a test of the skill that was in these times made the multiple to Luis Miguel at the beginning of his career.

This includes collaborating on other costumes for other musical groups, which are also featured in Netflix’s Authorized Biography “Luis Miguel: La Serie”.

In view of the details of the project, transcending “Picha”, as lamented to the German of Luis Miguel, collaboration with other inversionists, where curiously the number of famous women in the sample appeared, only two will be sent soon stay in the project.

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Now that the magazine Tv Notes has been released, the latest versions lie that all indications are that there are now unknown reasons, Alejandro did not communicate to her husband and provoked him to confirm the publication recently.
