Tens of thousands of Floridians are in arrears for the second dose of COVID-19

WEST PALM STRAND, Fla. Many senior citizens are still struggling to make an appointment for their first COVID-19 vaccine, while tens of thousands of Florida people are overdosing on the second dose.

Eduardo Castro is a nurse on the Treasure Coast. His second dose of COVID-19 vaccine is scheduled for Feb. 3, but he says it is not certain.

“I got my first vaccine on January 6 and it was the Moderna,” Castro said. “The answer we got is that we hope they get one in time before you have to pay.”

Castro still has a little over two weeks, but according to the Florida Department of Health, nearly 41,000 people in Sunshine State are in arrears for their second dose of vaccine.

“We entered groups and suddenly they ran out and they said we would get more in two weeks,” said Dr. Leslie Diaz, a specialist in infectious diseases in Palm Beach County, said.

Dr. Diaz said many people are in arrears because of the small amount of vaccine, but also because some people are afraid that the side effects are worse with the second admission.

“I think we need to focus and prioritize on one thing, which is to fear the virus,” said Dr. Diaz said.

Dr Diaz said the side effects are normal and not serious, and that the virus is worse.

Both she and Castro warn that skipping the second shot means your vaccine will not be as effective.

“The benefits outweigh the risks here, because you may be sick for a few days, but you do not know how COVID is going to affect you,” Castro said.

Dr. Diaz said the side effects can be treated with Tylenol and extra rest. If you go longer than 20 to 30 days between shots, she advises you to get the second dose.
