Tennessee School Drawing Multiple Herid | News Univision Tiroteos

The Knoxville Police Department in Tennessee has reported an incident at a secondary school that has killed several people.

The incident occurred late at the Austin-East Magnet High School educational center.

Agree with the news agency The Associated Press, one of the victims is a police officer and the suspect has not been arrested.

The school staff of Knox Co, confirm confirm the school institution closed.

“The permanent investigation is taking place at this moment. For good, avoid the area”, officials said.

A dozen minutes have been published, signaling that a reunification site will be established on the Austin-East High School baseball camp near Wilson and S. Hembree, so that the fathers can meet with them.

Bob Thomas, the superintendent of the Knox County Schools, said he had run out of money, but the tenant has been insured.

“The school system has been insured and students who were not involved in the incident have been involved with their families,” said Thomas. Aggregate in a separate separate that the authorities are recovering information and about “this tragic situation” and that the most important is proportional additional information.

The governor of Tennessee, Bill Lee, gave an informative program on education on the moon, while monitoring the situation of the circus, giving speeches.

More information in brief.

