Tener perro or cat increases the physical and mental health of people

42% of Spanish hogs have a companion animal; o lo que es lo mismo, in España hay circa de 16 millones de mascotas censadas. According to Nielsen’s Consumer 2020 Tendency News, the yorkshire and the German pastor’s all over the country – and they have their mascot predilected by the Spaniards, with more than 5 million cents. The habitable lesser animals, such as the reptiles or rodents, are on the other hand and have a total of 4 million. For its part, the streets have less admirers: only 8.2% of Spanish living is present.

Taking care of the mascots is a great responsibility and affects the familiar economy, since there is no such thing as an animal debate with a very meditative decision. The people who want to share their life with an animal need to know the cambios at the economic level that van surgir. More of the basics for their maintenance, improvisation of health or complements and games will be added to the account.

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Romina Vallés

Cofidis Día de la Educación Financiera gebrandmerk

Hecho, the mascot sector carries over 1,200 million euros in Spain alone in medicines and food, according to Veterindustria, the Spanish Empresial Association of the Industry of Animal Health and Nutrition. It is estimated that the guest has an average diet for mascots ascending to 300 euros. In the specific case of the tracks, the maintenance will take place in December with a median of 1,250 euros per year; es decir, 105 monthly euros, according to the study “My Mascot in Figures” of the Real Sociedad Canina de España (RSCE).

The people with mascots are most happy

Numerous studies ensure that the simple gesture of acquiring a mascot reduces stress and increases the cardiac rhythm of the person. Assimilation, sharing life with an animal helps to strengthen the immunological system, avoids the sensation of solitude and increases social life and physical fitness. Es decir, las personan con una mascota en casa tienen una vid saud saludable, son más felices, tienden a estresarse menos, y, in general, aumentan su esperanza de vida.

Take care of a dog or cat that the nines take more and learn to assume responsibilities

Moreover, the animals are one of the most effective masters for the most beautiful ones. Tenerating a mascot is a source of comfort for the children that suelen return to them when they are sad, trapped or preoccupied. Asimismo, take care of a dog or cat that helps the nines to acquire more and learn to assume responsibilities. I have a lot of support for the routine of structuring routines and developing feelings like empathy. However, mascots are used, for example, in many therapies with autistic children with the goal of improving their social interactions.

Gatos, perros, pájaros o tortugas, in Definita, mejoran la emotional emotion of its cuidadores y les hace felices … pero también más sanos. Is the ideal company to schedule a diary or play at home. Both the two like the animals move, all very beneficial to both.

The people who have mascots are their happiest

The people who have mascots are their happiest

Getty Images / RooM RF

Playing with a dog for the most part is the emotional angle between caregiver and animal, and is a very important activity for the cognitive development of the can. Hecho, the games for the dogs are very well designed to increase the intelligence of the cats. Play to find out if there are objects on the screen that will be found on the screen and instinctively, while avoiding clutter.

And it succeeds with the holes. Sea cual sea su caracter, los juguetes para felinos son una herramienta muy útil para despert sis sentidos y mantenerlos siempre actives. The labyrinths and cajas help to develop their imagination and creativity.

Secures for mascots Why are they important?

Well, at least I didn’t go down without explaining myself first. In this sense, a key animal is key, because it takes care of company animals including a good diet, proportions and good hygiene, play and focus on physical ownership … but also take care of your health. Acquire regularly to the veterinarian for routine checks are one of the mayors responsible for the two mascots, and that, they care and care, enferman y / o se lesionan.

To secure a mascot guarantee, the owners protect the health of their dogs or holes and guarantee the best care. But, in his time, he provided an assistance that, in many cases, could be very costly.

The people who have mascots are their happiest

Regularly visit the vet is one of the mayors’ responsibilities of the two mascots

Getty Images

Between the main winds to counter with a mascot security detached the customer attention services that inform aspects as varied as hotels pet friendly, close-up centers or animal shelters in the area. In addition, there is an assessment function regarding any ambiguity related to the mascot: not only in terms of health, but also in legal or administrative aspects.

But, without a doubt, veterinary assistance is the strong point of these safes. The services that offer suelen are very complete and contemplate the emergencies or the possibility of soliciting a second opinion. Suelen covers surgical treatments and interventions and / or online veterinary assistance. At the end and at the top, a healthy mascot and happy at home will be the cause of giants, apprenticeships and good moments in the family.

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