Tencent buys an interest in another game developer, and it’s weird that the Dev Dontnod is not

Tencent, the Chinese internet giant that owns the developers of League of Legends, Warframe, Path of Exile, and Don’t Starve, has announced another investment in a game studio.

Life Is Strange studio Dontnod, based in France, has announced that Tencent has invested € 30 million in the studio to claim a minority stake in the company. As part of the deal, Tencent gets the option to sit on Dontnod’s board.

Dontnod said he uses the money to pay for the expansion of the studio’s efforts to develop games and self-publish on computers, consoles and mobile devices. Dontnod’s latest games were Tell Me Why and Twin Mirror, both of which were released in 2020.

“We are delighted to welcome Tencent as a Dontnod investor,” Dontnod CEO Oskar Guilbert said in a statement. “This is a true expression of confidence from a key online leader who has been behind a number of success stories and has invested in several leading companies in the video game industry. The capital increase announced today will enable us to implement our development plan. , which aims to draw more value from our original creations by publishing more games themselves. ‘

A report by Niko Partners showed that in 2020 Tencent made 31 transactions related to investments in the gaming industry, which is three times as much as in 2019. The largest transaction was the purchase of $ 1.5 billion from Leyou, the parent company of Warframe. developer Digital Extremes.

Some of Tencent’s other moves in 2020 were to invest in the Japanese studio Platinum Games, but not to buy straight. Tencent also acquired Conan developer Funcom and bought the GTFO studio 10 Chambers.

Tencent now owns or invests in a large number of gaming businesses. It owns Riot (League of Legends), Grinding Gear Games (Path of Exile) and Supercell (Clash of Clans), while Tencent also owns a piece of Fortnite studio Epic Games. Tencent also has minority investments in Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard and Bluehole.

Tencent has acquired Tencent, the studio Don Klei Entertainment, in full.

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