Temperament flowering of cerebrum in Japan is a sign of a climatic change

(CNN) – If you think of Japan as a primavera, the image that comes to mind is probably the most famous flowers in the country. También se les conoce como Sakura: white and pink flowers, which break in cities and mountains, cover the sun with its petals. But the broten each time more is an advertisement about the climatic change.

The flowers, which are experimenting with a “flowering peak” that lasts only a few days, have been growing in Japan for over 1,000 years. The crowds celebrate with observation meetings, listening to the most popular booths to take photos and have a picnic near the frames.

But this year, the flowering period of the cerezos in Japan has become clear and has become an abrir and closes of ojos, in one of the more temperate florations of those that have constancy, and the scientists advised that it is a sin the great climatic crisis that is affecting all world ecosystems.

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Yasuyuki Aono, investigating officer of the Universidad de la Prefectura de Osaka, registered the registration of Kyoto, while it was another assumption of 812 dC and the dokumentos históricos y diarios. In the central city of Kyoto, in Japan, the growth of the alcanza rose at its maximum point on March 26, the highest temperature in more than 1,200 years, says Aono.

And in the capital, Tokyo, the flowers will be in full swing on the 22nd of March, the second will be more timely registered.

“While global temperatures are rising, the last healthy times are being produced and the flora is advancing,” said Dr. Lewis Ziska, de Ciencias de la Salud Ambiental de la Universidad de Columbia.

Japan cerezos

A party together with the flowers in bloom in a park in Tokyo, Japan, March 23.

I have changed the flower arrangements of the pears in Japan

The maximum flowering times change every year, depending on numerous factors such as the climate and the lluvias, but usually there is a general tendency to increase each time. Following the dates of Aono, in Kyoto, the maximum flowering period has oscillated during sailings in April and mid-April, but has been postponed to April Principles during sail XIX. The solo season ended in March with a few vacancies in history.

“The flowering of the cherry is very sensitive to temperature,” explains Aono. “The flowering and the full flowering can be delayed or retreated solely depending on the temperature,” he said. “The temperature was low in the decade of 1820, but has risen 3.5 degrees Celsius by now.”

The stations of this year, in particular, influence the flowering areas, increase. The winter was very cold, for the first time it was fast and unusually cold, because “the crimes are completely despicable after being able to descend”.

Without embarrassment, its temperate growth is just the tip of the iceberg of a global phenomenon that could destabilize natural systems and economies of countries, said Amos Tai, senior professor of earth science at the Hong Kong University of China.

The factors of temperament flowering

The increase in calorie, which is the main factor that causes the flowers to flourish, has two points: the urbanization and the climatic change. With the increase in urbanization, the cities tend to calend more than the surrounding rural areas. Eso se denomina efecto isla de calor. For one reason, the mayor is the climatic change, which has provoked an increase in temperatures throughout the region and the world.

And these are just some of the things that we can do to help you get the most out of your pet.

Flower decorations in Tokyo’s Kitanomaru Park, Japan, March 23.

To all action there is a reaction

The plants and insects depend on one another. Ambos uses the signals of the entourage to “regularize the moment of the different stages of its vital cycles”, Tai explains. For example, the plants perceive the temperature that the rodents have, and if they are sufficiently solid during a constant period, they will start to thrive. The insects and other animals also depend on the temperature for their vital cycles, because the increase in calories can provoke a more rapid growth.

“The relationship between plants and insects and other organisms has developed over many years, between miles and millions of years,” Tai explained. “But in the last sail, the climatic change is all estranged and changing all these relations.”

It is possible that different plants and insects respond to the increase in calorie to distinct rhythms, synchronizing their vital cycles. While they grow simultaneously at the same time, now the flowers can thrive before the insects are listed, and vice versa. This means that “insects can not find sufficient comedy in plants, and plants have no sufficient polyclinic (to reproduce)”, he said.

Arbores are perched on the front of the climatic cambio 1:03

In the last decade, some plant and animal populations will move to “high altitudes” and “higher altitudes” to escape the effects of the climatic change, following a 2009 study in Biological Conservation. But to the ecosystems the results each have more difficult to adapt. It should be noted that the climatic change means that the state of the time is even more unpredictable. Although the tendency of flowering plants to grow in general, the climate is unpredictable and extreme so that it has a huge variability of one year to another.

“Ecosystems do not have access to these types of large fluctuations, they provoke a lot of stress,” said Tai. “Productivity can be reduced and ecosystems can collapse in the future”.

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There is no limit to flower arrangements

The flowering season of this year is not limited to Japan; the flowers in bloom that adorn the Cuenca Tidal of the city of Washington also flourish before time. Following the Service of National Parks, the maximum flowering season of Washington ceremonies took place this week, from April 5 to March 31.

Vuela sobre los cerezos en flor en Washington 0:45

And the effects of the climatic change are not limited to these flowers. “The flowers in bloom call attention, to the people who sing and lose, but many other plants also experiment with cambios in their vital cycle, and can have an influence on a mayor in the stability of his ecosystems,” said Tai.

This phenomenon is not uncommon with many crops and plants of economic value, that is, large plant problems for food security and the support of farmers. The food industry in some of the most vulnerable regions of the world is directly affected by sequelae, malignant malignancies and mumps clouds.

In some regions, farmers can be obliged to change their crops. Some climates become extremely humid caloric for what is now cultivated. While other climates register more floods, more snow, more humidity in the air, which also limits what can be cultivated.

“To the Agriculturists the result is much more difficult to predict when there will be a good year and when there will be a bad one,” added Tai. “Agriculture is now more than a waste, because the climatic change is due to the most important things that are present in our ecological systems”.
